them geese must be flying from Québec
Q: What do you call a flock of geese? A: A Bunch of geese.
“Adios!” as they fly away. 9/10.
French Canadian geese!
French. Humpf…..
ka-que marrant
There’s always a slightly bigger gap between the lead goose and one of the ones in the second row.
April 08, 2014
Templo S.U.D. almost 3 years ago
them geese must be flying from Québec
Doug K almost 3 years ago
Q: What do you call a flock of geese? A: A Bunch of geese.
ghast5000 (Thatababy comic reviewer) almost 3 years ago
“Adios!” as they fly away. 9/10.
enigmamz almost 3 years ago
French Canadian geese!
raybarb44 almost 3 years ago
French. Humpf…..
oakie817 almost 3 years ago
ka-que marrant
pumaman almost 3 years ago
There’s always a slightly bigger gap between the lead goose and one of the ones in the second row.