Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for May 06, 2022

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    Plumb.Bob Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Using the power of government to punish those who dare disagree publicly with you is a near textbook case of fascism no?

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    jmarkoff2  almost 3 years ago

    In Song of the South, Uncle Remus is not a slave anymore. The movie takes place after the Great Emancipation of 1865.

    One of the most uncomfortable caricatures in Old Disney is Peter Pan’s Indian Chief.

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  3. Out little avatar
    dadoctah  almost 3 years ago

    Fifty years ago, Meathead got under Archie Bunker’s skin by pointing out that Mickey Mouse is black.

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    Zesty  almost 3 years ago

    Thank you for not going into Ted Cruz’s funny but gross ‘Mickey and Pluto’ angle!

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  5. Sixshotprofile
    Decepticomic  almost 3 years ago

    DeSantis wants to touch DeChildren. For real tho, he’s a total pedo.

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  6. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  almost 3 years ago

    Who is the gay character in panel four? (Oh, right, both of them!)

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  7. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  almost 3 years ago

    You have to remember that Death Sentence started out by pandering to the base (and I mean that in more than one way) members of the Traitor Trump cult, wanting to use them for his own political advancement. Not being a (complete) imbecile, nor a lunatic, he didn’t believe a word of the nonsense he was spouting. Yet, after a while, he DID start to believe his own ridiculous blather. Thus, once again, yet again, we see that cults end up eating their own……

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  8. So long charlie brown copy
    mlester101 creator almost 3 years ago

    So 43 year old Ron DeSantis is to blame for Disney’s bigotry 70 years ago.

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  9. Sevasleeping
    Serial Pedant  almost 3 years ago

    Now watch Uncle Remus at the voting booth….

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  10. Desron14
    Masterskrain  almost 3 years ago

    Yes, DeathSantis really IS this disconnected from truth and reality.

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    serion  almost 3 years ago

    One of my favorite early New Yorker cartoons features two Chinese boys (wearing traditional clothes and obviously in China) reading a thriller comic: “His blood ran cold as the sinister white face and round blue eyes of Johnny Jones peered over the windowsill.”

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    Amra Leo  almost 3 years ago


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    AtomicForce91 Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    So it is bad for business to put stereotypes, how is it not bad for business to push the LGBLT agenda?

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    The Brooklyn Accent Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    I don’t have a dog in this fight (neither Goofy nor Pluto), but I’ve wondered about how the arrangement in which the Disney corporation becomes the government of half the county came about in the first place. I’m not comfortable with corporations getting big tax concessions and eminent-domain privileges to build their profit-making stadiums and amusement parks. Shouldn’t this corporation have been required to obey the same laws as anyone else all along?

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    bilbrlsn  almost 3 years ago

    TBH, which specific racial trope you are comfortable with is not the issue. Even that you are comfortable or not comfortable with one is not the base issue. It is that you define your world by our differences and then diminish the humanity of others while doing so. I do this with Republicans and Christians just because the tendency of any collective is to set the parameters of the acceptable and not acceptable. Not as joiner, but still a bigot.

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    Sgt. Snorkle  almost 3 years ago

    And this guy wants to be president? We have already had a clown in the office!

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    AndrewSihler  almost 3 years ago

    Until fairly recently, Joel Chandler Harris’s house in Atlanta, Wren’s Nest, for many years now a museum of sorts, would not admit Negro persons.

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    czyp1221  almost 3 years ago

    I’m still hot for Princess Summerfallwinterspring. With what sinuous grace did she dance to drums?

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