ONLY if women have memories longer than a may fly.
The leak? Or maybe the decision itself, which was due out before the election, in any case.
Maybe now that the weakness of the reasoning has been revealed, someone else will write a coherent one. Not that that will make anyone happier.
Not one bit.
One side always seems to say ‘do what I want and no one will get hurt’.
Please please please please puh-leeeeze let this be a prediction which comes true.
“A leak reveals decades of sewage has been getting pumped under the Supreme Court.”
“Darn leak!”
Scott Stantis
March 20, 2014
September 30, 2017
braindead Premium Member almost 3 years ago
ONLY if women have memories longer than a may fly.
kaffekup almost 3 years ago
The leak? Or maybe the decision itself, which was due out before the election, in any case.
Maybe now that the weakness of the reasoning has been revealed, someone else will write a coherent one. Not that that will make anyone happier.
RobinHood almost 3 years ago
Not one bit.
steveandsherrylb almost 3 years ago
One side always seems to say ‘do what I want and no one will get hurt’.
lsnrchrd.1 Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Please please please please puh-leeeeze let this be a prediction which comes true.
Kip Williams almost 3 years ago
“A leak reveals decades of sewage has been getting pumped under the Supreme Court.”
“Darn leak!”