“No, I’m a dowser, and this is my divining rod. I’m detecting a lot of water in your lower abdomen… do you have to go to the bathroom?”
At which point, the other person will suddenly become aware of their bladder and walk away to use the restroom… and then you prop the door open with the stick. Psych!
codycab over 2 years ago
“Lucky guess?”
beb01 over 2 years ago
Maybe Dana has been using the same trick to use the school drama room at night — hence the appearance of a ghost there.
Decepticomic over 2 years ago
Well, she blew it faster than I expected.
jrankin1959 over 2 years ago
“I read thought balloons – didn’t you know?”
InquireWithin over 2 years ago
“No, I’m a dowser, and this is my divining rod. I’m detecting a lot of water in your lower abdomen… do you have to go to the bathroom?”
At which point, the other person will suddenly become aware of their bladder and walk away to use the restroom… and then you prop the door open with the stick. Psych!