Would even Thor lose against the kid when using Mjölnir?
Wow, tough tubes!
Now who’s gonna clean that up?
“Squeeze!” minigame from Warioware plays 9/10.
Baby=poor winnerDad=poor loser
Watch out behind you, Mom’s coming in…..
Where I lived in the eastern Arctic the kids would take the ketchup pouches and stomp on them to see how far they squirted
April 08, 2014
Templo S.U.D. almost 3 years ago
Would even Thor lose against the kid when using Mjölnir?
whahoppened almost 3 years ago
Wow, tough tubes!
bookworm0812 almost 3 years ago
Now who’s gonna clean that up?
ghast5000 (Thatababy comic reviewer) almost 3 years ago
“Squeeze!” minigame from Warioware plays 9/10.
jango almost 3 years ago
Baby=poor winnerDad=poor loser
raybarb44 almost 3 years ago
Watch out behind you, Mom’s coming in…..
Flatlander, purveyor of fine covfefe almost 3 years ago
Where I lived in the eastern Arctic the kids would take the ketchup pouches and stomp on them to see how far they squirted