Life is exciting, ain’t it? You may be happy to know that around the time you turn 50 you may start to experience hot flashes that may or may not increase and decrease in intensity to the point that you’ll wonder what it feels like to just be warm for a time before turning into Johnny Storm and or if it will ever end.
I get custom made shoes since my feet are very thin, as for some reason manufacturers think everybody has the same width feet, either B, or super wide. I enjoy the comfort of having easy to wear and walk in shoes, without pain! And nobody has similar shoes!
Seriously, Amanda, if you’re still having discomfort after (I assume) several years, I would recommend consulting a podiatrist. I have done so in the past with foot pain and recently did so again when a different foot pain occurred (this one a callous that needed to be removed). Although this last time is too recent to be noted as “cured,” I had good results the last time and have great faith in recovery.
Pharmakeus Ubik over 2 years ago
The price of glamour!
stairsteppublishing over 2 years ago
I never bought into the wear it even if it hurts but it is the In look or the In brand.
seanfear over 2 years ago
oooh and many other things I’m afraid :)
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member over 2 years ago
From here it’s just wondering what bit is going to break next.
LOLBeth over 2 years ago
At some point, you acquire the wisdom of age and stop buying things that damage your body when you wear them.
coltish1 over 2 years ago
TheBigPickle over 2 years ago
Ablister? Sounds like a planet on Star Trek… “Captain’s log, we are approaching planet Ablister III…”
tammyspeakslife Premium Member over 2 years ago
Life is exciting, ain’t it? You may be happy to know that around the time you turn 50 you may start to experience hot flashes that may or may not increase and decrease in intensity to the point that you’ll wonder what it feels like to just be warm for a time before turning into Johnny Storm and or if it will ever end.
Janet Gamble Premium Member over 2 years ago
Actually, parts start to rust after 35!
crazeekatlady over 2 years ago
I get custom made shoes since my feet are very thin, as for some reason manufacturers think everybody has the same width feet, either B, or super wide. I enjoy the comfort of having easy to wear and walk in shoes, without pain! And nobody has similar shoes!
BlueIris Premium Member over 2 years ago
Seriously, Amanda, if you’re still having discomfort after (I assume) several years, I would recommend consulting a podiatrist. I have done so in the past with foot pain and recently did so again when a different foot pain occurred (this one a callous that needed to be removed). Although this last time is too recent to be noted as “cured,” I had good results the last time and have great faith in recovery.