Prickly City by Scott Stantis for June 28, 2022

  1. 1djojn
    RobinHood  over 2 years ago

    Say whatever you want, the committee made its conclusions before it convened.

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    PraiseofFolly  over 2 years ago

    Old joke: Question —Who is more evil than Satan?

    Answer — Satan’s Lawyer!

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    Silly Season   over 2 years ago

    In brief, Clark, who headed the Environmental Division, presented acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen and his Principal Deputy Richard Donoghue with a draft letter on December 28, 2020 addressed to officials in Georgia.

    The letter, which he described as a “proof of concept” that he hoped to send to other swing states, announced a federal investigation into electoral fraud in Georgia and recommended that the legislature reconvene to reconsider whether it ought to recast the state’s electoral votes for Donald Trump.

    In fact, the DOJ had investigated claims of rampant electoral fraud in Georgia, and found them unsubstantiated. Put simply, there was no fraud, and there was no pending investigation.

    Rosen and Donoghue told Clark in no uncertain terms that they weren’t going to send the letter and castigated him for secretly back channeling with the White House — a massively inappropriate violation of protocol.

    But Clark, who had been doing his own research on the internet, convinced himself that the election had been rigged, perhaps by dint of Chinese thermostats or Italian space lasers.


    As Donoghue testified, he delivered the killing blow by pointing out that Clark was never going to be able to do what Trump wanted anyway, since he’d never tried a criminal case or shepherded one through a grand jury process, much less managed an agency with upwards of 100,000 employees.

    I said, ‘That’s right. You’re an environmental lawyer. How about you go back to your office and we’ll call you when there’s an oil spill?’” Donoghue said.

    “Congratulations. You just admitted your first step or act that you take as attorney general would be committing a felony,” Herschmann said in his videotaped deposition, adding snarkily, “You’re clearly the right candidate for this job.”




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    jconnors3954  over 2 years ago

    The surprise would be hearing the truth.

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    Andrew Bosch Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Those lawyers will only be useful until they start developing consciences and decide that this job is not worth the fee.

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    LNER4472 Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Given the prejudices and “lynch mob” and “witch hunt” mentality of this “committee” so far, even an anti-Trump Democrat would be well-advised to “lawyer up.”

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    Kip Williams  over 2 years ago

    Man! Lots of bile today. The cartoonist could have run solid black with the word “flounder!” in the last panel for all the notice his alleged fans are taking of his work. And it’s got Johnny One-Note prominently displayed, too. No appreciation for his hard work and left/right versatility.

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