On A Claire Day by Carla Ventresca and Henry Beckett for June 27, 2024

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    rshive  9 months ago

    Dream jobs donā€™t often happen.

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    dlkrueger33  9 months ago

    I went to college to be a Secondary Education English teacher. No jobs available when I graduatedā€¦..at least not anything that paid even more than a part time supermarket employee (which I did for awhile while looking for something better). Or if I were willing to teach in Appalachia. Luckily, a girlfriend AND an uncle gave me a tip that the newspaper was looking for Advertising Execs. Yeah, I threw the education stuff away (so low-paying) and changed direction. Not my dream job, but it was ok. Made a lot of friends and money. (I mean, back then, the main vehicles to advertise in were the newspaper and the phone book). I stayed at the newspaper and retired at 49 when newspapers started to tank because of digital. It was a lucrative job, so I say, ā€œClaire, give it a chance. You might be good at it and make good money. If nothing else, itā€™s something good on your resume that you might be able to hop to some other ā€œsales/advertisingā€ career. Make money in these early years. By the time you are 50+, the handwriting is on the wall and many places donā€™t want the AARP folks.ā€

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  3. Wizanim
    ChessPirate  9 months ago

    I had my Dream Job, working on Computers at a University. Yes, it was hard work sometimes, and it could be frustrating, but I absolutely loved it. And I often got to be a ā€œHeroā€ā€¦ ā˜ŗ

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