Benitin y Eneas by Pierre S. De Beaumont and Bud Fisher for August 13, 2022

  1. Large celtic trinity knot kristen fox
    Dkram  over 2 years ago

    Hi Vagabonds

    Looks like a fine day starting, there was a reading of 49 when I first looked. (there are some things best left unknown) The forecast says: A mix of sun and clouds and a high of 70. (more like it)

    Got my shot and the groceries tended to yesterday and had most of the afternoon to myself.

    The only change in my schedule today is trash and recycle along with my usual doings.

    Have a happy day Vagabond, may God be your guide.


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  2. Big bird cage 2a
    Jan C  over 2 years ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds.

    I am watching a hummingbird outside of my window at the moment. You don’t often see one in pine tree. He checked out one of the cones.

    We had some rain and thunder yesterday afternoon, but nothing like the downpour we had on Thursday. It’s overcast and 82 at the moment on it’s way up to 93. That’s the lowest forecast we’ve had in weeks. Not bad for August.

    Today is the monthly Ladies to Ladies meeting at the church. I am not going this month. The pastor decided we should have a “catered” lunch with a speaker instead of our usual pot-luck, prayer and fellowship. I don’t do well with food someone else chooses for me. Almost always it’s something I can’t eat. (Yes, I admit to being a very picky eater. Heavy sigh.)

    The AC tech came yesterday afternoon and calmed down some of the noise but didn’t eliminate it. He’s going to talk to his boss and come up with a solution for us. The unit isn’t even 2 weeks old!

    Everyone have a safe and blessed day.

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  3. Photo0062a
    chris.smith618  over 2 years ago

    Good afternoon, Vagabonds.

    Not much happening today (or all of last week!). At least it has not been unbearably hot this week. This morning started at 66 and our high was 90 and the humidity is at 48%. And that has been our temperatures all week long.

    Tonight is our B.A.S.I.C’s dinner at church. This month I kept my contribution very simple, cantaloupe and honeydew melons.

    Everyone, enjoy your day and may God bless it.

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  4. Large celtic trinity knot kristen fox
    Dkram  over 2 years ago

    Happy Sunday Vagabonds

    I saw 48 on the thermometer first thing (not very encouraging) fog in the valley. Well, the sun is shining. The rest of the day is predicted to be partly cloudy and 75, sounds so much better.(^.^)

    OK, it’s Sunday, church, the nephew-cook has got something to do with chicken going. He’s got mother’s old Vitamix blender out, must be a secret sauce. What ever it is it will be good and I’ll be stuffed.

    Preseason football has started, that means being stuck with Sunday afternoon games till January. (O.O)

    May God give you a blessed day and keep you company.


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  5. Big bird cage 2a
    Jan C  over 2 years ago

    Good afternoon, Vagabonds.

    At church this morning, I found out that our “guest” speaker at the L2L meeting yesterday was our own pastor. He gave a “workshop” on prayer. I stand by my decision not to go. I love the fellowship and comradery of my friends, but I don’t need a lecture from the pastor at a women’s meeting.

    Yesterday only got up to 88 degrees. For us that’s a big wow for this time of year. It was overcast all day. Today’s forecast is for 97 and it’s already 96. The humidity level has gone way back down to 35%, so it’s a lot nicer than yesterday’s swampy air.

    I needed a short hose to clean my reusable furnace filters, so I went to the camping store. I managed to find a 4’ one which is all I need. No coils to find a place for in the tool shed/water heater closet. I stuck a big nail on the wall and the hose hangs quite nicely. Anything longer and the nail wouldn’t have been big enough.

    We have no particular plans for this afternoon. Michael is watching old war movies so I’ll probably bury myself in my current book (Jurassic Park). He’s doing a lot better and is back on solid foods after almost 2 weeks. He dropped 15 pounds in those 2 weeks because he couldn’t find much soft or liquid that he wanted to eat. It’s taken me about 6 weeks to lose 10. No fair!!!

    Everyone have a safe and blessed Sunday.

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  6. Photo0062a
    chris.smith618  over 2 years ago

    Good evening, Vagabonds.

    It has been a pretty quiet day here. To hot and humid. It was already 74 at 7 am and our high was 91. The humidity was 72% or higher all day. Ugh.

    Our dinner last night went well. Our guest speaker was a detective with our sheriff’s department and he talked about all the frauds and scams currently going on in our area. It was quite interesting.

    Today started off in the usual way, with church, grocery shopping and back home. And that is my life in a nutshell.

    May you all have a blessed evening.

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