Gasoline Alley by Jim Scancarelli for June 09, 2009

  1. Purposeinc wolf
    ladywolf17  almost 16 years ago

    Geez! what aā€¦ā€¦ wait a second am I allowed to say the B-word on this site. I need to know because I donā€™t want to get in trouble.

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  2. Phil b r
    pbarnrob  over 15 years ago

    Of COURSE Slimā€™s gonna get sucked into the con; but his good nature will somehow see him through it all, right? Right?!

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  3. Axe grinder
    axe-grinder  over 15 years ago

    His ship may not come in, but the tow truck will.

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  4. Mannytherat
    KingRat  over 15 years ago

    ladywolf you can say whatever you want if the system doesnā€™t like it the word will be replaced with a bleep.

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  5. String
    stringmusicianer  over 15 years ago

    Actually, what happens is another reader will flag it and a couple of days later gocomics will delete it.

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  6. Dscn3076
    oldbooger  over 15 years ago

    Slim, quick! Go find Earl.

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  7. Grizzly
    Gordonne  over 15 years ago

    ship - - airport - - old joke but it works

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  8. Av 5363
    prasrinivara  over 15 years ago

    ladywolfe17, more than one modification exists to convey exactly the same: (1) substituting ā€œ1ā€ or ā€œ!ā€ for ā€œiā€ (2) adding extra letter or underscore between ā€œiā€ and ā€œtā€ (3) using denotive (ā€œfemale dogā€), though this is much vaguer than (1) or (2)

    So, is Upton Oā€™Goode a conman with the alias Warren Peacegood (this is what Iā€™m deducing from todayā€™s strip)?

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  9. Missing large
    jackdohany  over 15 years ago

    What I wanna know is: Where is Earl E. Bird? I hope he gets dragged back here eventually. These poor comix characters are like puppets on a string.

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  10. Seal of akureyri
    NotFromIceland  over 15 years ago

    Why does she keep using his full name, including middle initial? No one does that. Oh, wait, this is a comic strip, and readers have to ā€œhearā€ the bad implications of the character through his name. Just plain old ā€œUptonā€ wouldnā€™t do it.

    ā€“ Johnny B. Goode

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  11. 00000
    alondra  over 15 years ago

    My uncle John used to always say someday his ship would come in. My grandma (his mother in law) would always ask him if he sent any ships out. Unless you send them out they wonā€™t come in.

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  12. Dscn0420 1
    OldManMountain  over 15 years ago

    Well, sheā€™s no Eve Wallet, but Iā€™ll give her a chance.

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  13. Copy of naturalman
    hansr  over 15 years ago

    Earl would know how to deal with this!

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  14. Maine coon
    pierreandnicole  over 15 years ago

    Is ā€˜Lil Abner far behind? Or Boss Hogg for that matter.

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  15. Missing large
    Rockyracoun  over 15 years ago

    Boss Hogg is a comic strip!!! No wait heā€™s a tv guy never mindā€¦

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  16. Axe grinder
    axe-grinder  over 15 years ago

    A couple of the comments have raised my hopes that Earl will return to Gasoline Alley soon, in this hour of need.

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  17. Axe grinder
    axe-grinder  over 15 years ago

    Itā€™s fun to see such coarse people, as long as itā€™s not in person. Sheā€™s an unpolished gem, I suppose.

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  18. Missing large
    mike48  over 15 years ago

    ladybird17 you can say bleeep for all i care

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  19. Missing large
    mike48  over 15 years ago

    ladybird17 the bleep word starts with an f

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