Flo and Friends by Jenny Campbell for August 01, 2022

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    seanfear  over 2 years ago

    uh .. my home looks alike with a bestie or not (and this is a good way to let them not stay for long)

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    Pet  over 2 years ago

    I used to clean right before having company but my home is generally clean, so it was a bit redundant polishing all the bannisters. It makes much more sense to clean after everyone leaves :-))

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    pheets  over 2 years ago

    We have occasional parties just to get the house cleaned up a bit. Not cluttered as much as dusty, needing a good sweep, pick up all the pet toys, put the laundry away, stuff like that. Our friends couldn’t care less about it, they live the same way :D

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    Steverino Premium Member over 2 years ago

    If Winnie can’t see well enough to see dust, how can she see well enough to do hair?

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member over 2 years ago

    But….she can smell food!

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    christelisbetty  over 2 years ago

    I have a poem on a plaque, that has hung on the front door of every every home I’ve had as an adult. "Come in sit down, relax , converse. Our house doesn’t always look like this, sometimes it’s even worse.

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