The City by John Backderf for August 10, 2022

  1. 144873 avatar
    kingdiamond69  over 2 years ago

    So true we are overall gluttons and one of the most unhealthy country’s on the planet .

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  2. Gcwg
    MC4802 Premium Member over 2 years ago

    When traveling overseas, when you spot an obese person
98% of the time its an American. And they will complain they have to walk in order to use mass transit and they can’t find their favorite American restaurants AND they don’t speak English(American) in this “foreign” country!

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  3. Freeradical
    Free Radical  over 2 years ago

    At least some things in the USA have not changed since 2003

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  4. Get smart shoe phone
    gopher gofer  over 2 years ago

    wow, a perfect description of a local guy who drives a hummer, except that he likes to park it on the narrow street in front of his bar, pretty much closing the road to traffic

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  5. Missing large
    seesquare57  over 2 years ago

    But, but, but, isn’t this what ’Merica is all about???

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  6. Yellow submarine
    spaced man spliff  over 2 years ago

    100 percent ‘Murkin’?

    The ‘hamburger’ came from Germany. “Fries” aren’t French OR American; they’re Belgian. Perhaps the tires may or may not be USA-made; rubber was first discovered by the Aztecs and used in their ball games. Bread goes back at least 8000 years to the Near East. The fuel in his tank (although tar was used to extract naphtha in Roman times) actually goes back 65 million years, may be the one truly American item. Even the name ‘America’ came from Amerigo Vespucci, a medieval Italian geographer.

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  7. Oip
    klbdds  over 2 years ago

    I commend you on your research. But, I have seen hundreds of those guys who have worked construction , dug ditches, fixed power lines, landscaping, automotive line work, etc. They have families and are good providers. Just count your blessings.

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