Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for September 18, 2022

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    Templo S.U.D.  over 2 years ago

    What’s the world’s second oldest toy? A rock?

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    profbob  over 2 years ago

    Stick: oldest toy hmmmmm and still a dog’s favourite.

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    Charlie Fogwhistle  over 2 years ago

    A French woman and a Spanish man had recently gotten married and moved to Spain.

    The woman could not speak Spanish so whenever she wanted to buy chicken legs, she would raise her skirt a little and show her thighs which the seller understood.

    One day, she wanted to buy bananas so she brought her husband with him.

    As her husband could speak Spanish.

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    Charlie Fogwhistle  over 2 years ago

    A guy limped into a Dairy Queen and ordered a banana split.

    The attendant began to make it for him and said “Crushed nuts?”

    And the guy said, No, I just have a bad knee."

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    Charlie Fogwhistle  over 2 years ago

    A Banana Walked into a Doctor’s Office. He’s sitting in the exam room when the doctor walks in, head buried in a patient chart, not really paying attention.

    “I’ve got some bad news. You have stage 4 cancer, and it’s very aggressive. We’ve caught it way too late. I’m afraid you only have two weeks left to live, Mr. Orange.”

    Looking up from the chart, the Doctor is startled to see that he must have walked into the wrong exam room.

    Taking a deep breath, he sighs and says “well…….. I bet you’re glad I didn’t say Banana.”

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    LAFITZGERALD  over 2 years ago

    Dare I ask why the bananas are considerably radioactive in this Sunday panel??

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    Charlie Fogwhistle  over 2 years ago

    I need to go back to sleep, so this is it for now.

    Knock knock. Who’s there? Banana. Banana, who?


    I know. Pretty stupid.

    Until next time.

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    therese_callahan2002  over 2 years ago

    Can’t imagine a medley of “Yes, We Have No Bananas,” and “Radioactive” by The Firm.

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  9. Beaker
    JDP_Huntington Beach  over 2 years ago

    After competing in an “all you can eat banana contest” high school student, Beater Barker felt nauseous. He went home then discovered that he had all the powers of Bananas!

    As he aged, he got horrible skin spots, and turned a mushy brown. But people said he has a delicious aroma.

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  10. Huckandfish
    Huckleberry Hiroshima Premium Member over 2 years ago

    I beg to differ! ~ Irving Rock, toy of toys right from the beginning.

    Take care, may Simpson’s binge watcher Amarillo “Hay En Eso Algo Más De Lo Que Se Presume” Guzmanord be with you, and gesundheit.

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    magicfever495  over 2 years ago

    Boudreaux walks into a barbershop and ask, “Bob Peters here?” The barber says,“Nope just haircuts.”

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    heathcliff2  over 2 years ago

    Wonder what kind of junk is in Ben and Jerry’s junk.

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    heathcliff2  over 2 years ago

    I have a dog who prefers sticks and rocks to most toys.

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    pearlsbs  over 2 years ago

    The world’s oldest weapon is probably a big stick (club).

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    markhughw  over 2 years ago

    …and the oldest form of entertainment is the shtick.

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    WCraft  over 2 years ago

    I remember when the world’s oldest toy store was still around: Sticks R Us

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  17. Captain smokeblower
    poppacapsmokeblower  over 2 years ago

    I hope the kid didn’t pretend his/her stick was a gun.

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  18. Captain smokeblower
    poppacapsmokeblower  over 2 years ago

    Three pint of ice cream a day would ruin my diet. What do Ben and Jerry offer in terms of healthcare, especially nutrition guidance?

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    oakie817  over 2 years ago

    bananaman bananaman does whatever a banana can…

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    Nala the Great  over 2 years ago

    Store Manager “Yes, we have no bananas. We have no bananas today.”

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  21. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Always laugh when these ‘experts’ put out, what it costs to raise a child. What they really need to do is break that down, and show us how they came up with that number.

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    finnygirl Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Ben and Jerry’s gives employees three pints of ice cream a day to take home, not to eat there at work every day.

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