There may be some truth in it. My late husband sought some professional help when he was going through a rough spell, years ago, and when it emerged in the course of the “counseling” that he was gay, the psychologist confessed that he’d rather suspected as much. “Why so?” asked my boy. “Well, because in every way you’re so nice” came the answer. (My opinion Exactly.)
dlkrueger33 over 2 years ago
…Not that there’s anything WRONG with it.
AndrewSihler over 2 years ago
There may be some truth in it. My late husband sought some professional help when he was going through a rough spell, years ago, and when it emerged in the course of the “counseling” that he was gay, the psychologist confessed that he’d rather suspected as much. “Why so?” asked my boy. “Well, because in every way you’re so nice” came the answer. (My opinion Exactly.)
Mimi Premium Member over 2 years ago
Somehow I knew you are a Pats fan.
dorloo Premium Member over 2 years ago
Why would he chase her away?
spaced man spliff over 2 years ago
I’m sure there are fat gay men. Too bad they’re discouraged from going to pick-up bars where thin and buff are the rule.