“I can’t afford to lose this job, it’s hard to get one these days.”
“Actually, the job market is pretty strong.”
“Doh. Never get your news from arch-criminals!”
I can’t help but read her dialogue in the voice of ravishin’ Rosemary, the police dispatcher from Hong Kong Phooey.
She probably got rejected by a lot of people in her earlier life, and might even be a Ivy League girl!
If Johnny Storm hears you using his catch phrase, you might find the limits of that suit.
Flame on? Who does this woman think is in that suit? Johnny Storm? Jim Hammond? (the original, android, “Human Torch.”)
Hey! Blue Blockers! She really cares about her exposure to the displays!
“Eh, I would have been insulted if you hadnt”
Apparently, working for an evil criminal mastermind must pay well.
That job must have a heck of a Benefits package, hope it includes Haywire Hospitalization.
Take it from someone who knows… Job-hunting is the worst!
Dan Thompson
May 03, 2014
October 25, 2017
Brian Premium Member over 2 years ago
“I can’t afford to lose this job, it’s hard to get one these days.”
“Actually, the job market is pretty strong.”
“Doh. Never get your news from arch-criminals!”
droosan Premium Member over 2 years ago
I can’t help but read her dialogue in the voice of ravishin’ Rosemary, the police dispatcher from Hong Kong Phooey.
Chrisdiaz801 over 2 years ago
She probably got rejected by a lot of people in her earlier life, and might even be a Ivy League girl!
Chithing over 2 years ago
If Johnny Storm hears you using his catch phrase, you might find the limits of that suit.
WilliamVollmer over 2 years ago
Flame on? Who does this woman think is in that suit? Johnny Storm? Jim Hammond? (the original, android, “Human Torch.”)
FassEddie over 2 years ago
Hey! Blue Blockers! She really cares about her exposure to the displays!
ars731 over 2 years ago
“Eh, I would have been insulted if you hadnt”
oakie817 over 2 years ago
tad1 over 2 years ago
tad1 over 2 years ago
Apparently, working for an evil criminal mastermind must pay well.
stealth694 over 2 years ago
That job must have a heck of a Benefits package, hope it includes Haywire Hospitalization.
Dragoncat over 2 years ago
Take it from someone who knows… Job-hunting is the worst!