Even so, it’s better than those disease spreaders that blow all the bacteria and viruses all over the room. One of the reasons I’m happy to have a mask in my pocket these days.
PS: Most paper is made from the parts of the tree that aren’t suitable for turning into lumber… and most paper towels even more so.
Years ago I took ballroom dance classes, and every weekend the studio would host a dance party. A good time to practice what you learned. The teacher would post signs in the Mens room to remind them to wash their hands before rejoining the party. I noticed many men would come in, do their business, and leave immediately!! My lady friends did not like to hear that bit of news!!!
Sure.. and put a whole industry out of work. As someone else commented, trees are a crop that we harvest. Except for the time it takes to grow from seed to harvest, not much different than pumpkins.
Paper use, now, SAVES forest. How..? As paper use diminishes, people sell the land that was, once, devoted to turning out wood for paper. Most people ASSUME that it’s just left to go wild, but, no: it gets developed…
eromlig over 2 years ago
Trees are a crop. Does anyone say “Save the cornstalk”?
Erse IS better over 2 years ago
Even so, it’s better than those disease spreaders that blow all the bacteria and viruses all over the room. One of the reasons I’m happy to have a mask in my pocket these days.
PS: Most paper is made from the parts of the tree that aren’t suitable for turning into lumber… and most paper towels even more so.
Ricky Bennett over 2 years ago
I’m the guy who hand wrote that slogan. After I was finished with thousands of rolls, I was really wiped…
SHIVA over 2 years ago
Years ago I took ballroom dance classes, and every weekend the studio would host a dance party. A good time to practice what you learned. The teacher would post signs in the Mens room to remind them to wash their hands before rejoining the party. I noticed many men would come in, do their business, and leave immediately!! My lady friends did not like to hear that bit of news!!!
Copy-&-Paste over 2 years ago
While you’re at it, save the water too! My gosh, he’s got Niagara Falls flowing just to wash his hands!!
geese28 over 2 years ago
Irony much?
John Wiley Premium Member over 2 years ago
More than three trillion trees on earth. Six times as many trees as stars in the Milky Way galaxy.
Casey Jones over 2 years ago
We buy bamboo paper products. Same price and NO trees. Bamboo grows FAST.
Alberta Oil over 2 years ago
Sure.. and put a whole industry out of work. As someone else commented, trees are a crop that we harvest. Except for the time it takes to grow from seed to harvest, not much different than pumpkins.
WCraft Premium Member over 2 years ago
Still prefer them over blow dryers. I think most people do.
waes-hael over 2 years ago
Paper use, now, SAVES forest. How..? As paper use diminishes, people sell the land that was, once, devoted to turning out wood for paper. Most people ASSUME that it’s just left to go wild, but, no: it gets developed…
po'dawg over 2 years ago
Keep germ free in the washroom, then you use that filthy door handle to get out.
Lablubber over 2 years ago
Bathrooms are a racket. One hand washes the other.
StephenRice over 2 years ago
A product of The Lorax Company.