Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for April 27, 2009

  1. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  almost 16 years ago

    If Tracy doesn’t shoot this guy, I will.

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  2. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 16 years ago

    He’s chewing up the scenery…

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  3. Softball
    ridenslide65  almost 16 years ago

    This dialogue makes no sense. What the heck is that last panel??? Looks like Ernest Borgnine now.

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  4. Paul
    LudwigVonDrake  almost 16 years ago

    “Ace in the hole” is NOT funny. Not even a little bit.

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  5. Raider lv
    Akenta  almost 16 years ago

    Here’s something a little funnier to laugh at:


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  6. Ddco2bcu0aaz6ig
    Elexia  almost 16 years ago

    Wait… is he laughing for two whole panels with a dislocated arm?

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  7. Images
    drwatson  almost 16 years ago

    Ha ha! Ace in the hole! Ha ha haw haw wha! Oh f— who turned on that camera…

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  8. Oddball
    Morrow Cummings  almost 16 years ago

    ROFL! Har-har-har! Ain’t this a rib buster! LOL! (Groan….)

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  9. Palm
    SGIBeachbum  almost 16 years ago

    Thanks Akenta. That one is great.

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    jamesdee  almost 16 years ago

    What? Is One-Eyed Jack a graduate of Punn State? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

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  11. Odd spots 002
    sydney  almost 16 years ago

    Yeasterday ‘mrbribery’ said “Tracy realizes he’ll have to draw on an inside straight, even though Jack is holding all the cards. Meanwhile, Gertie is having a full house”.

    Nice Poker anology there mrbribery, but in the comic strip world Jack holds the Gun!

    What Tracy holds, and even Locher has forgotten, (as usual), is a Wrist Gee Nee with a TASER facility which could knock One-Eyed Jack out of the Casino! See 7-13-05 Shamman story. If Locher forgets about the “Taser”… he will hope we did.

    SAME item could have been used to kill robot Brute Forces “eletrical circuits”, instead of diving into the bushes to hide. SAME thing on Baskerville’s Hounds. SAME thing on Cole Lector, instead of hiding in a flimsy suit or armor. SAME with J. Hennessey Tucker Jr., with Queenie, with Al Kinda a-top the Capitol building, and back and before.

    ARMED Taser “power”, never used!

    Yet, ALL could have been disarmed, beaten. Touch of a switch.

    KILLJOY ? ME ? Don’t blame me. Blame the “creators” Kilian and Locher’s unprofessional memory!

    But I guess, that’s why when Locher, Mattie and Jeff read this, they will all “chuckle” and in unison blushingly try to exolain it away by saying : “Oh! It’s just a comic strip”. The cure all for sins of omission!

    And perhaps, that’s why some people think the Author is a “genius”. Does a clever sounding but “dumb” answer do it all?

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    CyberV  almost 16 years ago


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    DonnieTevault  almost 16 years ago

    This story had promise when it first started. But now, it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

    This begs the question…

    When a story is as poorly written as this one, would you think that even DL would realize it?

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  14. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member almost 16 years ago

    what an acehole!

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  15. Bald eagle 11
    TheRedHatt  almost 16 years ago

    And now a Jack-Ace !

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    prasrinivara  almost 16 years ago

    Tracy may have taken a tactic from Alistair MacLean’s Circus; one-eyed Jack is gloating much as Crau’s secret police chief did in the second-to-last chapter of that book when he interrupts the hero, Bruno, from freein his family from jail. (the 2-second span in which Sergio gloats is more than adequate for Bruno’s knife-thrower friend to kill him).

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    jabo  almost 16 years ago

    Go-Comics For months I have contacted you of being out of sequence of my site if I return to the previous days comics such as this one here. I never have recived a response and I will log out now due to the total ineptness this site has in not having a solution .

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    mrbribery  almost 16 years ago

    In the first panel, OEJ’s costume helpfully reminds OEJ which way to aim his gun.

    “Ha ha! Comedy was always my strong SUIT!!”

    “I’m so glad you walked into my CLUB, Tracy!!”

    “Thank you, I’ll be here all week.”

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  19. Winter
    overtop  almost 16 years ago

    Looks like Jack is about to rip off his half-mask and…ta-da, break out into his version of “Music of the Night.” Next adventure: DT vs. The Jersey Boys

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    g6793  almost 16 years ago

    jabo, if you’re still around: all you have to do is click the back arrow (if you’re using Explorer).

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    paul_l_s_1  almost 16 years ago

    I think the idea here is Tracy has his chance now that Jack is so distracted. Note the gun is now pointed up instead of at Tracy. Or am I giving Locher too much credit?

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    neonleon59  almost 16 years ago

    Tracy’s head is looking more and more like SpongeBob SquarePants.

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  23. Comicsbeat icon
    matt  almost 16 years ago

    He’s such a card.

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