One Big Happy by Rick Detorie for June 17, 2024

  1. Babysteps2
    mccollunsky  12 days ago

    This would be before you could easily get a really tiny hidden camera.

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  2. Purplepeopleeater small
    Purple People Eater  12 days ago

    If she just bought a video camera and set it up, then she has no proof. She should have gotten a security camera. Then the video would have been saved on her computer, and she would have proof.

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  3. Squid icon
    SquidGamerGal  12 days ago

    A smart criminal always goes after the camera first!

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  4. Pirate 04b keith m
    Argsnargle Premium Member 12 days ago

    This sorta happened to my wife. She had been a university chemistry professor but for altruistic reasons rather difficult to understand decided to try teaching high school and took a job in the worst school in the area. The kids harassed her unmercifully, including throwing spitwads every time she turned her back to write on the dry erase board. The school administrators set up a video camera pointed at the class and of course the hoodlums stole the video camera.

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  5. Missing large
    tcayer  12 days ago

    Seems like enough to me…

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    tcayer  12 days ago

    Good thing it wasn’t the pointing the other way. You would have seen her stealing your husband!

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    Steverino Premium Member 12 days ago

    Thay make covert cameras for just this purpose. The camera stays hidden while the image is recorded on a memory card. The ones that look like smoke detectors can fool lots of people.

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