The City by John Backderf for November 01, 2022

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    kingdiamond69  over 2 years ago

    This is the future in a Republican country retirees having to go back to work because the social security they worked their entire life was sun setted to pay for more elite tax cuts.

    The Republican budget sets up a special fast‐track procedure to ram through cuts in Social Security benefits. The plan released by the Republican Study Committee ‐‐ which includes nearly 3/4th of the House GOP –shows exactly what Republicans will do with their new fast‐track authority.The Republican Budget Resolution Sets forth an unprecedented new fast‐track procedure to ram through Social Security benefit cuts. Thebudget resolution sets specific new deadlines for Congressional Committees to act on Social Securitylegislation and states that unspecified “expedited procedures” will apply to floor action; somethingnot allowed using reconciliation, the normal budget fast‐track process. Budget Chairman Paul Ryandescribes the provision as “forcing” action on Social Security legislation in the House and the Senate.(Section 502(b) of the Chairman’s Mark) Suggests that the Social Security Trust Fund is not real. The Budget Committee summary says that the$2.6 trillion in current reserves generated by worker contributions to the Social Security Trust Fund“are derived from dubious government accounting,” implying that the Republican Congress might notredeem the Treasury bonds in the Trust Fund when they are needed to pay benefits that are owed.(Budget Committee Summary, p. 48) Rejects a balanced package. The summary that accompanies the legislative text appears to rule out abalanced package – instead, it praises benefit cut proposals and criticizes proposals to increase SocialSecurity contributions (Budget Committee Summary, p. 47). Chairman Ryan has previously introducedlegislation to cut benefits for middle‐income Americans by 39‐51 percent.

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    egadi'mnotclad  over 2 years ago

    This strip is remarkably relevant today. It was drawn in 2003. Derf saw it coming in 2003. Amazing how easy it can be to predict the future if one is paying attention. How sad it has come to this point.

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