For DreamScourge, probably the ubiquitous multifunction knife that most armed forces issue their soldiers (in this case, top-of-line, as it’s Swiss Army)!
As Joy618 stated, Gaylord is way too picky–he got the knife (deluxe model) along with someone who actually knows how to use it!
Sisyphos almost 16 years ago
Happy birthday, Gaylord! Enjoy your Swiss Army wife! She’s got a real cute…ummm…uniform.
tbree almost 16 years ago
A wife with her own gun sounds like a very bad combination. Now if she has her own Swiss bank account, that would be different!
freedam almost 16 years ago
What does SHE think about marrying an old buzzard??
TiggerLeBounce almost 16 years ago
Hey, for a Swiss Army Gal she’s not that bad looking! Gaylord, enjoy!
prasrinivara almost 16 years ago
You’re right Sisyphos–she looks a lot like a Mountie!
tirnaaisling almost 16 years ago
Ummm…. Other than the gun and grenades…. What other attachments does she come with?
Sherlock Watson almost 16 years ago
Don’t be too quick to dismiss her, Gaylord; a Swiss army wife could turn out to be quite versatile (wink wink, nudge nudge).
prasrinivara almost 16 years ago
For DreamScourge, probably the ubiquitous multifunction knife that most armed forces issue their soldiers (in this case, top-of-line, as it’s Swiss Army)!
As Joy618 stated, Gaylord is way too picky–he got the knife (deluxe model) along with someone who actually knows how to use it!
Radical-Knight almost 16 years ago
Run, Gaylord! RUN!! Serpentine! Serpentine!!!
gossamer49 almost 16 years ago
SherlockWatson ….. Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge, … Know what I mean??