Sweetheart got straight A’s in obedience school..
She let Unity out on her own?!?
Ooo, super secret crap.
I had access to super secret crap while I was in the army.
Of course, that was 55 years ago now, but there is some of it I still can’t talk about.
But I can talk about the astronaut that Russia tried to send to the Moon.
When he tried to fire his rockets for Lunar insertion, they didn’t work.
After several tries ground control told him to prepare to return to Earth.
But when he fired his retro rockets, they malfunctioned,, and he was killed during the re entry attempt.
The Russians finally admitted to this failure a few years ago, and honored him like they should have 55 years ago.
Is there some school for politicians where they learn those three O’s? Or is that knowledge they’re born with?
Shesh Sweatheart, did you learn NOTHING on your “Rampage?”
crookedwolf Premium Member over 1 year ago
Sweetheart got straight A’s in obedience school..
P51Strega over 1 year ago
She let Unity out on her own?!?
RonBerg13 Premium Member over 1 year ago
Ooo, super secret crap.
I had access to super secret crap while I was in the army.
Of course, that was 55 years ago now, but there is some of it I still can’t talk about.
But I can talk about the astronaut that Russia tried to send to the Moon.
When he tried to fire his rockets for Lunar insertion, they didn’t work.
After several tries ground control told him to prepare to return to Earth.
But when he fired his retro rockets, they malfunctioned,, and he was killed during the re entry attempt.
The Russians finally admitted to this failure a few years ago, and honored him like they should have 55 years ago.
prrdh over 1 year ago
Is there some school for politicians where they learn those three O’s? Or is that knowledge they’re born with?
6turtle9 over 1 year ago
Shesh Sweatheart, did you learn NOTHING on your “Rampage?”