Underpants and Overbites by Jackie E. Davis for May 02, 2023

  1. Me
    Calvin Nelson Nelson Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Yay! Finally a long format that is the correct resolution and legible. Cute and funny too!

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  2. Gildy
    The-Great-Gildersleeve  almost 2 years ago

    yeah but it is only half as long as some……I’m happy too, but the blur will be back……….I go to Twitter or Instagram…..you see the longer ones and a whole lot more

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    crazeekatlady  almost 2 years ago

    Borrow other friend’s children. Then you get to give them back and go back to your fun life. They love having a different adult to play with, and you get to enjoy your inner child. I did not have children, and lived vicariously through other people’s children.

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    Izzy Moreno  almost 2 years ago

    Yes, you should have children. Ultimately, living for oneself, leaves you empty inside.

    Most human beings thrive on building something. Building a life will be your greatest achievement, regardless of society’s metrics for success.

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    kate98  almost 2 years ago

    Yes. So. Ot having children does not mean you are living for yourself. That is a wholly sh#tty way of making non-child ppl/couples feel like failure. Ignore those jerks is the world around you WORTHY of helping to raise your children? Yes or no. If no, move or do noy have children. There are many arguments about how things get better etc but … really … what has beennyour experience with humans on earth?

    Are we worthy of your offspring? Would you trust us to raise your offspring without you present? Parents die. Yo. Sh*t happens. Would you trust your spouse (or potential spouse) to raise the tiny kraken without you? If not 1. Ditch the (current or potential) spouse. 2. Do not spawn more. We are not worthy. Seriously.

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