Liberty Meadows by Frank Cho for October 16, 2022

  1. Tf 117
    RAGs  over 2 years ago

    He’ll still inhale.

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    syzygy47  over 2 years ago

    Rare to find anyone smoking a pipe. The smell invokes memories of my English grandfather. My other grandparents, Eastern European.

    But anyway, at least he ain’t vaping. Lousy fad.

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    ramonmister28  over 2 years ago

    Pipes and Cigars ARE smoked different than cigarettes.

    You inhale a cigarette. A pipe or a cigar you more or less sip and just roll the smoke around your mouth.

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    gantech  over 2 years ago


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    jfpaugh1959  over 2 years ago

    I don’t know, I had an Aunt who switched to a pipe. She said she spent more money on matches than on tobacco trying to keep the pipe lit.

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    PoodleGroomer  over 2 years ago

    He is smoking reds instead of menthols.

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    schaefer jim  over 2 years ago

    A pipe was not that great!

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    Arghhgarrr Premium Member over 2 years ago

    I am always amazed when I see anyone under the age of forty smoking (or vaping) tobacco. Just makes no sense to me. They all know better. Lots of better, more enjoyable, and safer, ways to alter your brain chemistry.

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