In the original novel Dracula, the titular vampire forces a human to consume his cursed blood, in order to put them under his direct influence. Hopefully the same won’t happen with Heathcliff.
If he was a certain other orange comic strip cat, all the trace garlic in his system would probably give him a bite like a rattlesnake for that vampire.
SHAKENDOWNVILLE over 2 years ago
He becomes a new "fang"led individual.
Uncle Kenny over 2 years ago
Making use of the same drawing of Heathcliff today as yesterday.
monkeysky over 2 years ago
In the original novel Dracula, the titular vampire forces a human to consume his cursed blood, in order to put them under his direct influence. Hopefully the same won’t happen with Heathcliff.
If he was a certain other orange comic strip cat, all the trace garlic in his system would probably give him a bite like a rattlesnake for that vampire.
Gent over 2 years ago
Look up in the skies. It a bird. It a plane. It a orange bat. No waits. It Supercat!
Gent over 2 years ago
Waits, what? Flying without bubble gum?
anncorr339 over 2 years ago
Good luck vampire
Darryl Heine over 2 years ago
One week until Halloween!
philwinn over 2 years ago
Quick, pull out some catnip Bela.
Aladar30 Premium Member over 2 years ago
Nothing good.
heathcliff2 over 2 years ago
He borrows blood to flush the wound to prevent infection.
picsbypete over 2 years ago
Wouldn’t that be more of a “Catnip”?