It would help us choose which island we could afford to abscond to. Please help.
Can we put the politicians (and their minions) on The Golgafrinchan Ark Fleet Ship B?
Get a lot of campaign donation pleas in the mail. So many that if I just donated $1 to each, I’d be broke.
I just toss all of mine in the recycle bin. At least maybe then can b used for something productive I Hope
Too sincere to be a politician.
goboboyd over 2 years ago
It would help us choose which island we could afford to abscond to. Please help.
CoffeeBob Premium Member over 2 years ago
Can we put the politicians (and their minions) on The Golgafrinchan Ark Fleet Ship B?
William Bednar Premium Member over 2 years ago
Get a lot of campaign donation pleas in the mail. So many that if I just donated $1 to each, I’d be broke.
goblueone over 2 years ago
I just toss all of mine in the recycle bin. At least maybe then can b used for something productive I Hope
Aladar30 Premium Member over 2 years ago
Too sincere to be a politician.