Andy Capp by Reg Smythe for November 19, 2022

  1. Missing large
    seanfear  over 2 years ago

    hospital then it is

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  2. Img 20220821 wa0006
    Sïr SÃ¥rçåsm SHÃ…DDÃœP   over 2 years ago

    Finally goatkomics is back

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  3. Elguapo
    ChucklinChuck  over 2 years ago

    Flo has a cell phone?

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    Sherlock5  12 months ago

    How is this possible? Andy seems to be drinking alone with no one to buy him his drinks.

    Is Chalkie just in the loo? Did Andy have a win on the horses? There is an empty glass at the end of the bar, but there’s no telling who it belongs to or how long it’s been there.

    It’s one of those conundrums that beg for an explanation.
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