Rather like the character “Hyacinth Bucket” on the show “Keeping Up Appearances,” who pronounced her last name as “Bouquet” – or, for that matter, Stephen Colbert, whose last name changed from being pronounced as it is spelled to the current “Colbair.”
epaphus8 almost 2 years ago
Chant it with me, everybody! VER-NAY! VER-NAY! VER-NAY!
ʲᔆ almost 2 years ago
Meh . . . sounds like Béarnaise
Might as well be turtle soup
Doug K almost 2 years ago
Some might say that he unconsciously wants to sound/be more like someone else he knows: Ver-nay – Arr-jay
Purple People Eater almost 2 years ago
Isn’t ver-nay “never” in Pig Latin?
P51Strega almost 2 years ago
He has a strange Vern-acular.
Ellis97 almost 2 years ago
Or maybe you just want to feel superior to everyone?
fencie almost 2 years ago
Not nice ganging up on your buddy and hurting his feelings.
Chithing Premium Member almost 2 years ago
And what, exactly, were you planning on doing for those5 minutes?
Baucuva almost 2 years ago
Verne’s as weird as Kanye West.
GentlemanBill almost 2 years ago
5 minutes? That only took a minute to read…
CaveCat87 almost 2 years ago
It seemed like a good idea at the time.
richdell almost 2 years ago
Sounds like a grape variety. “Please bring me a glass of Pinot Ver-nay”.
Holden Awn almost 2 years ago
S/He/They identifies as a pretentious prig, and demands to be treated as one/two/many.
KEA almost 2 years ago
I thought a turtle named Verne was pretty rare to begin with.
juicebruce almost 2 years ago
Ver – Nay are you now related to Count De Mon- Nay ?
Holden Awn almost 2 years ago
Reminds me a lot of the Washington casino spelled ilani — which, in their ads, pronounces it “Ay lan Ay” .
Stephen Gilberg almost 2 years ago
Makes me think of Ava DuVernay.
SteveHL almost 2 years ago
Rather like the character “Hyacinth Bucket” on the show “Keeping Up Appearances,” who pronounced her last name as “Bouquet” – or, for that matter, Stephen Colbert, whose last name changed from being pronounced as it is spelled to the current “Colbair.”
ʲᔆ almost 2 years ago
The Spanish word for Friday is “Viernes” which is.. kinda similar
Maybe he just read Robinson Crusoe en español