Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for September 26, 2009

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    legal-eagle  over 15 years ago

    Brand New Cop Same Dumb Police

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    mcintyre63  over 15 years ago

    I hope the police officer paid for Hollingsworth Hound’s new baseball bat. HH is clearly too big to fail; the whole system would fall apart if he didn’t have the tools he needed to do his job.

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  3. Bob comp smiling
    wxman927  over 15 years ago

    Reminds me of Clinton’s strong response to the terrorist ship bombing. Sure did scare them from ever doing anything like that again…yeah, sure. Thank God for President Bush. Nowadays, you can’t even call it The War on Terror, by presidential edict. Gee, maybe if we just get to know them…sit down and expess our feelings, and listen to them, they won’t blow people up anymore. Do you, honest to God, REALLY believe that?

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  4. Angry baby
    drtom01  over 15 years ago

    Clinton Launched multiple cruse missle at known Al-Qaeda camps and killed over 30 militants The attack was roundly condemed by the Republicans as being “reactionary”. Pres Bush Jr ignored Al-Qaeda until 9-11. Went into Afganistant half-assed and then attacked Iraq an Al-Qaeda enemy. Pres Obama is pulling out of Iraq and intensifing the fight against Al-Qaeda in Afganistan.

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  5. Angry baby
    drtom01  over 15 years ago

    Banker need a foot buried deep in their collective as*es. To coin a term from the Great Depression they are not Bankers they are Banksters. Gangsters running a Bank.

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  6. Engine 811 johnson s beach
    FireMedic  over 15 years ago

    Hey Bob the Presidential edict came from your homeboy George W.

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    boomer0127  over 15 years ago

    Hey Bob, I think you need to look up Reagan’s response to the Beruit bombings of our US troops as UN peacekeeprs in 1983. It was the first real non-response to anti-US terrorism that emboldened terrorists - “hey! we got away with this! let’s do it again!”. Even though the US knew EXACTLY where the terrorists were hiding out we did nothing. I won’t post a link, feel free to look things up on your own.

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