Zack Hill by John Deering and John Newcombe for December 13, 2022

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  about 2 years ago

    Carl is as messy as Zack’s bedroom. Are we sure they’re not, like say, stepfather and -son?

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  2. Ray helvy
    Ray Helvy Premium Member about 2 years ago

    My wife couldn’t believe it when a psychologist explained that men tend to compartmentalize their thoughts, and will switch from one issue to the next by figuratively putting the first thought into its box, closing it, and then opening a thought from another box. He said that a really important box for men is the "Nothing " box, which is empty. Men like to spend time there. This flabbergasted my wife. I told her it was necessary, because if I had had to spend concentrated, focused thought on issues 24/7, I’d have had a heart attack at age 20, from the stress. My Nothing box is how I relax: when I’m looking into my Nothing box, I really am literally not thinking about anything in particular. I said that this was one reason fishing was popular with some men. It allows them to not think about anything, for hours on end, while simultaneously looking like they’re doing something. She couldn’t imagine thinking that way; to her each thought was connected to the next. The only reason it sometimes looks scatter-brained to men is that we don’t hit the same stops she does in her train of thought.

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    rickmac1937 Premium Member about 2 years ago

    You tell her Carl,personally I don’t see anything wrong with it

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