I can think of a reason right off. A one year computer is probably running Wind Blows 11. It requires at least 500 gigabytes of RAM just to run the operating system. (Think 500 RAM is the equivalent of 500 horse power in a new car.) For some reason many new computer manufacturers never got the memo and are still building computers that are under powered!
500 gigabytes of RAM? I doubt if anyone makes a PC with that much memory. Or are you talking about disk space. According to Microsoft, Windows 11 requires 4 gigabytes of RAM and 64 gigabytes of disk space for installation.
My Mom’s computer.I was installing an app on a customer’s phone. YOWZA! I think he had a hundred pages open. I fixed that and the new app installed quickly.
cubswin2016 about 2 years ago
I think that I might be able to deduce the reason why Fritzi’s computer is so slow.
wesleylscott1 about 2 years ago
In Nancy: The Musical, Fritzi recognizes the problem, and breaks out in song the following,
“98 tabs run through the firewall,
98 tabs running through.
Add one more,
and overload it some more.
99 tabs run through the firewall."
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member about 2 years ago
Fritzi’s old enough to remember Opera 12, which would handle two, three hundred tabs open at a timeeasily. Her habits were clearly developed then.
dcdete. about 2 years ago
I can think of a reason right off. A one year computer is probably running Wind Blows 11. It requires at least 500 gigabytes of RAM just to run the operating system. (Think 500 RAM is the equivalent of 500 horse power in a new car.) For some reason many new computer manufacturers never got the memo and are still building computers that are under powered!
Studebaker Hoch about 2 years ago
500 gigabytes of RAM? I doubt if anyone makes a PC with that much memory. Or are you talking about disk space. According to Microsoft, Windows 11 requires 4 gigabytes of RAM and 64 gigabytes of disk space for installation.
JonGl Premium Member about 2 years ago
85 tabs!? Amateur! Rank amateur! My wife numbers hers in the hundreds.
Daddyobie about 2 years ago
My mom in law had 500 tabs open on a really new phone!
Decepticomic about 2 years ago
ACKSHUALEE opening that many tabs would not cause your computer to be that slow.
Is that true or am I just being a jerk? >:^}
sundogusa about 2 years ago
My Mom’s computer.I was installing an app on a customer’s phone. YOWZA! I think he had a hundred pages open. I fixed that and the new app installed quickly.
Rolf Rykken Premium Member about 2 years ago
Oh, my MacBook Air is acting slowly, but only on gocomics.com!
MikeM_inMD about 2 years ago
I work with a guy like that. He’s one of the leads on our software project. And yes, we give him grief about it.
asrialfeeple about 2 years ago
MT Wallet about 2 years ago
I don’t open tabs. Not intentionally. I open windows.
Goat almost 2 years ago
Is Olivia Jaimes spying on me? How else would she know that about me?