Prickly City by Scott Stantis for December 19, 2022

  1. Noodleman 2  2
    Cornelius Noodleman  about 2 years ago

    Don’t forget to give me a present!

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    Gen.Flashman  about 2 years ago

    Exchanging gifts (between adults of near equal age/income) = getting something you don’t want and giving something the other person doesn’t want and having to smile and act like you like the gift.

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    RobinHood  about 2 years ago

    When a loving heart sends us out to find

    Something special for someone on our mind

    And we think of friends and family

    As we hang our gifts on the Christmas tree

    It’s the thought that counts when the thought is love

    It’s the thought that counts when you’re thinking of

    How the money flows in vast amounts

    When the thought is love it’s the thought that counts

    Twila Paris

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    William Robbins Premium Member about 2 years ago

    Back when my family was this side of the sod, we’d trade donations to favorite charities. I continue the tradition, but they don’t…

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    Darsan54 Premium Member about 2 years ago

    Mom always says she’s old and has everything she needs and we can’t afford her tastes, so don’t give her a present. Instead I send a nice sour cream coffeecake every year so she can celebrate in Florida with my siblings.

    Don’t get me anything – pffft like that’s gonna happen.

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    timbob2313 Premium Member about 2 years ago

    A little OT, but IMPO a good present. The OK legislature passed a new requirement for HS kids. In order to graduate they have to pass a Citizenship test(the 2025 class will be the first required to pass the test in order to graduate) The test will be given as often as necessary until the student gets at least 60 of the 100 questions correct. What great about this is that the questions are from the Citizenship test. The same one I have been tutoring prospective citizens on for the past 40 years.

    IMVPO this Civics test is something every HS kid in the US should have to pass in order to graduate. Far to many Common Ed HS stopped teaching Govt, Civics and even US History when NCLB started up so schools could teach that test. I believe every native born American should know the rights and responsibilities of a US citizen, they should know what every immigrant who takes the test to become a citizen of the US knows.

    I have seen far too many people, like the Jan 6 insurrectionists far too many who had no idea that what they were doing was a crime. Many republican members of congress and those who attend Trump MAGAt rallies, are also very ignorant, they just follow what someone-who also has no idea what he is talking about-told them. Their ignorance of something as basic as how their Govt works and why is astonishing.

    IMVPO everyone who runs for office should be required to take and pass the same test that every immigrant who wants to become a US citizen is required to pass. It is very obvious that some GQP members of Congress not only do they have any idea that they are supposed to represent everyone in their district, even those who did not vote for them, they have no idea what is in the Constitution

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