WuMo by Wulff & Morgenthaler for January 16, 2023

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    rekam Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Company must have a lot of money to throw around. Or they want to show a loss on their books for the IRS.

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    Pickled Pete  almost 2 years ago
    You wouldn’t happen to be a consultant now, would you?

    One day, a shepherd was out grazing his sheep when a stranger came up to him and made him a proposition:

    Stranger: If I can tell you exactly how many sheep you have without counting them, will you let me have one of them as a prize?

    The farmer, out of curiosity , agreed.

    So the stranger booted up a laptop, calibrated his measurement tool, connected to a satellite positioning system, took various sort of atmospheric measurements and used a very sophisticated algorithm to calculate the number of sheep. He then proceeded to tell the farmer exactly how many sheep were in the farmer’s flock. The farmer, true to his word, told the stranger to take one of the sheep. As the stranger picked up one of the sheep and was on his way to leave, the farmer called out to him and asked: “You wouldn’t happen to be a consultant now, would you?”

    The stranger, a bit surprised, replied that he was indeed a consultant and asked the farmer how he figured it out.

    To which the farmer replied:

    “Well for one thing, I never asked you how many sheep I have, you brought it up yourself. Secondly, You gave me information which I already had and it provided me with no benefit whatsoever. Lastly, that sheep you picked up and are now carrying away isn’t a sheep, it’s my dog”

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    Ed The Red Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Where did Wulff & Morgenthaler get the idea that consultants are hard-working, overstressed people? That’s employees. Consultants sail in, make terrible suggestions based on a very poor understanding of the company, then sale off to cash the check.

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    Zebrastripes  almost 2 years ago

    Hiring a consultant to solve problems is ridiculous!

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    waltermgm  almost 2 years ago

    A consultant is someone who convinces you to give them your watch and then charges you when you want to know what time it is.

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