Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for March 03, 2023

  1. Sociald 1
    JudasPeckerwood  about 2 years ago

    Um, that must mean there was a headless body lying around somewhere, right?

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  2. Smokeystover  2
    gbars70  about 2 years ago

    What kind of head? … Mushroom; lettuce; cabbage; shrunken!? Also, about that skateboard Dill is holding; hopefully his bros had nothing to do with putting that thing together.

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  3. Babysteps2
    mccollunsky  about 2 years ago

    They wanted it to be a surprise.

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    jmolay161  about 2 years ago

    Alice is the one who haunts the whole preschool.

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    jmolay161  about 2 years ago

    The three of them are ready to do their first horror movie, with Miss Bliss as Vampirella.

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    jmolay161  about 2 years ago

    Now, on top of the Uh Oh Baby, there is a headless preschooler wandering around somewhere, in Alice’s imagination at least.

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    Ruth Brown  about 2 years ago

    I love Benji at times like this.

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  8. Michaelparksjimbronson
    well-i-never  about 2 years ago

    School brochure writers are so hum drum.

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  9. Apollo 11 launch 04
    Steverino Premium Member about 2 years ago

    Someone told Alice to get ahead.

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    jeffbacon12357  about 2 years ago

    Don’t blame the copywriter. This was definitely an executive decision. Copywriters love haunted cubbies.

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  11. Sea chapel
    6turtle9  about 2 years ago

    Oh those Otterloops! Always spinning tall tails. Just my kind of people, really. Warms my heart. I think I would fit in quite well there, as maybe the kooky uncle or something.

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  12. Thinker
    Sisyphos  about 2 years ago

    Alice and the Haunted Cubby! Now, who was the author of that spooky story? Beni, at any rate, immediately buys into it, but raises the issue of the school brochure not mentioning it. Dill points the finger of blame squarely at the pro who wrote the brochure.

    As for me, I wanna see the evidence, Alice!

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