All coders know that the boringest work in their field is maintenance programming, and no computer language is more tedious than COBOL. In the runup to the year 2000, one guy had been doing that and nothing else for several years in an effort to find and squash potential Y2K bugs before they could cause various problems of unknown magnitude. He finally got so sick of it he decided to have himself frozen, to be thawed out only a couple of years later, by which time it would all be over.
Upon his revival, he found himself in a strangely appointed room, facing several nervous people in outlandish outfits. In oddly accented English, one of them informed him that there had been a lot of mixups in electronic records of dates “way back then”, that somehow his defrosting date had gotten scrambled, and that he had inadvertently been left in cryogenic storage for 8000 years. “I’m sorry to have to tell you that everyone you ever knew is long dead.”
After he got over the shock and had calmed down somewhat, it dawned on him to ask what had prompted them to bring him back after so many years.
Again there was an awkward silence before one of them said, “Well, we’re coming up on the year 10,000, and according to your records, you know COBOL ….”
Enter.Name.Here almost 2 years ago
“And can you help me get this thing open? I’ve had to pee badly for the last 30 minutes.”
Jayalexander almost 2 years ago
As lovers go he’s cold as a mackerel.
monya_43 almost 2 years ago
Stands to reason that Moondog would know the names of all the dating apps. He’s struck out on them all. Happy Valentines Day y’all.
MailbuEd almost 2 years ago
Whenever someone asks if I’m seeing anyone, I automatically assume they’re talking about a therapist.
F-Flash almost 2 years ago
Valentine’s day is Monty’s Kryptonite, who else would enclosurethemselves in a non-cryogenic cocoon. What if the door got stuck?
edstiles almost 2 years ago
Poor Monty….
Impkins Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Spilled his beer, eh? :)
Richard S Russell Premium Member almost 2 years ago
All coders know that the boringest work in their field is maintenance programming, and no computer language is more tedious than COBOL. In the runup to the year 2000, one guy had been doing that and nothing else for several years in an effort to find and squash potential Y2K bugs before they could cause various problems of unknown magnitude. He finally got so sick of it he decided to have himself frozen, to be thawed out only a couple of years later, by which time it would all be over.
Upon his revival, he found himself in a strangely appointed room, facing several nervous people in outlandish outfits. In oddly accented English, one of them informed him that there had been a lot of mixups in electronic records of dates “way back then”, that somehow his defrosting date had gotten scrambled, and that he had inadvertently been left in cryogenic storage for 8000 years. “I’m sorry to have to tell you that everyone you ever knew is long dead.”
After he got over the shock and had calmed down somewhat, it dawned on him to ask what had prompted them to bring him back after so many years.
Again there was an awkward silence before one of them said, “Well, we’re coming up on the year 10,000, and according to your records, you know COBOL ….”
exciteme almost 2 years ago
There’s always Grindr
Heres Waldo almost 2 years ago
Maybe Monty should see a groinicologist.
Sisyphos almost 2 years ago
It’s just a chilly frisson of shame, Monty….