Probably because George didn’t really want the job the first time, definitely didn’t want it the second time, and all those that came after him desired the job and would do anything to get it.
Washington didn’t belong to a political party, and he was against a 2 party system because he felt that squabbles and disagreements between factions weakened the government. He also felt that each party would try for domination and cause government to lose sight of the welfare of the country and too much division of the people. He was right.
I wonder how Broomie would compare our government to all the other governments she’s witnessed since 450 – 550 AD. It’s probably the same, those who have the money make the rules. But we have a little more freedom, or do we. Yip yip yip yip yip
The 10’th president, John Tyler, born 1790, has a grandson alive today. Tyler’s son, Lyon, was born 1853. His son, Harrison, born 1928. Last I knew, he is in a VA nursing home.
Cornelius Noodleman almost 2 years ago
George, George, George of the U.S.
Qiset almost 2 years ago
Samuel Huntington
Sanspareil almost 2 years ago
Boy George, started Culture Club and he always didn’t want you to hurt him!
jagedlo almost 2 years ago
Although many of them didn’t do quite the job George did!
Mugens Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Probably because George didn’t really want the job the first time, definitely didn’t want it the second time, and all those that came after him desired the job and would do anything to get it.
chris_o42 almost 2 years ago
Washington didn’t belong to a political party, and he was against a 2 party system because he felt that squabbles and disagreements between factions weakened the government. He also felt that each party would try for domination and cause government to lose sight of the welfare of the country and too much division of the people. He was right.
Zebrastripes almost 2 years ago
Nerwin probably won’t learn the true facts by the time he’s in junior high!
Redaction still is happening in many schools! ☹️
mckeonfuneralhomebx almost 2 years ago
Poor John Hansen, always forgotten about
karmakat01 almost 2 years ago
it’s a way to think about it Nerwin…with some JOKES OF PRESIDENTS that showed up…
MuddyUSA Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Yes he did?
yip yip yip almost 2 years ago
I wonder how Broomie would compare our government to all the other governments she’s witnessed since 450 – 550 AD. It’s probably the same, those who have the money make the rules. But we have a little more freedom, or do we. Yip yip yip yip yip
T... almost 2 years ago
Boy George started something, singing “King of Everything”, presidential theme song…
cuzinron47 almost 2 years ago
And somehow we’ve managed to still have them.
lawguy05 almost 2 years ago
Sisyphos almost 2 years ago
You could say that, Nerwin.
I’m happy to see the lad actually knows a bit of history!
Cathy P. almost 2 years ago
The 10’th president, John Tyler, born 1790, has a grandson alive today. Tyler’s son, Lyon, was born 1853. His son, Harrison, born 1928. Last I knew, he is in a VA nursing home.
PouluCBagumba almost 2 years ago
George was the first precedent.