Barney & Clyde by Gene Weingarten; Dan Weingarten & David Clark for April 14, 2023

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    sergioandrade Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    “Man goes to a fortune teller, she looks into a crystal ball and says “You will meet a woman, she will give you bad advice and take your money. That will be $10, please” Man leaves, fortune teller says “This thing is starting to work.” Rown & Martin’s Laugh-In featuring Ruth Buzzi & Allan Sues.

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    uniquename  almost 2 years ago

    I think Clyde wants his money back.

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    FassEddie  almost 2 years ago

    I think he was post-dickted.

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    Sir Isaac  almost 2 years ago

    Like the guy who was selling rabbit pellets as smart pills and when someone complained he said, “See…working already.”

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