The Norm Classics by Michael Jantze for April 28, 2023

  1. Martini glass blue
    RadioDial Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Nowadays everyone just blabbers in public when talking on the phone. Evolution or descent into anarchy?

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  2. Scrooge
    paul brians  almost 2 years ago

    Years ago when we visited Japan we saw people everywhere talking on their cellphones, but always so quietly that nobody nearby had to hear them. They trusted their electronics to amplify their voices instead of relying on shouting at their phones.

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  3. 38096534 2543 4864 8509 d06fceeba3fb
    Brent Rosenthal Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    I had one of those eons ago

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  4. Missing large
    eced52  almost 2 years ago

    Would have felt dumber when the door opened.

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