I just looked at the “About” tab. The link to the website takes me to something advocating gifts in the UK. Very strange.
Airport rules Mona, the bartender cards everyone.
It’s not flattery, Mona. You are dressed like a robber.
The bartender is Slick, but Mona is even more Slick.
You tell him, Mona! I detest snotty barkeeps….
November 06, 2015
Pharmakeus Ubik almost 2 years ago
I just looked at the “About” tab. The link to the website takes me to something advocating gifts in the UK. Very strange.
AlnicoV almost 2 years ago
Airport rules Mona, the bartender cards everyone.
The missing M. Smokey almost 2 years ago
It’s not flattery, Mona. You are dressed like a robber.
rainysunsets almost 2 years ago
The bartender is Slick, but Mona is even more Slick.
Sisyphos almost 2 years ago
You tell him, Mona! I detest snotty barkeeps….