If I could separate them, I would listen to Wagner more often. Ideologies and values do influence creativity even if the particular art piece is not intended to express those beliefs. Plus, there’s giving money to someone who may use it to fund a social movement or activity that goes against your core beliefs. Separating art from artist is a hard one. I recommend watching Stephen Fry’s documentary on Wagner, especially how he reconciles being Jewish with adoring the music of someone who was not kind to Jews. It’s very thoughtful. didn’t change my mind, but he made me more sensitive to these situations and less absolute.
New this month: Monsters: A Fan’s Dilemma By Claire Dederer
“Can we love the work of Hemingway, Polanski, Naipaul, Miles Davis, or Picasso? Should we? A passionate, provocative, blisteringly smart interrogation of how we make and experience art in the age of #MeToo, and of the link between genius and monstrosity. "
Check it out at https://theliteratelizard.indielite.org/book/9780525655114
Lotus almost 2 years ago
If I could separate them, I would listen to Wagner more often. Ideologies and values do influence creativity even if the particular art piece is not intended to express those beliefs. Plus, there’s giving money to someone who may use it to fund a social movement or activity that goes against your core beliefs. Separating art from artist is a hard one. I recommend watching Stephen Fry’s documentary on Wagner, especially how he reconciles being Jewish with adoring the music of someone who was not kind to Jews. It’s very thoughtful. didn’t change my mind, but he made me more sensitive to these situations and less absolute.
Doctor Toon almost 2 years ago
If I have any artistic talent, I am separated so far from it that it can’t be seen
banjoAhhh! almost 2 years ago
I hear ya 8-Ball
banjoAhhh! almost 2 years ago
Mr. Wiggly: Either Mr. Lemon has so cleverly hidden Mr. Wiggly from my view ot Mr. Wiggly took a day off. Hep me! Hep me!
T... almost 2 years ago
Brilliant insight, like love the movie actors protrayals, but I don’t wanta know anything about their life…
Bradley Walker over 1 year ago
New this month: Monsters: A Fan’s Dilemma By Claire Dederer
“Can we love the work of Hemingway, Polanski, Naipaul, Miles Davis, or Picasso? Should we? A passionate, provocative, blisteringly smart interrogation of how we make and experience art in the age of #MeToo, and of the link between genius and monstrosity. "
Check it out at https://theliteratelizard.indielite.org/book/9780525655114