Ben by Daniel Shelton for May 24, 2023

  1. A78c357b 8cfd 4ba7 a070 703b64309e2a
    Gizmo Cat  over 1 year ago

    I would’ve let the kids clean it.

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  2. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member over 1 year ago

    NOT ME!

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  3. Wizanim
    ChessPirate  over 1 year ago

    Just follow the dotted line to the culprit… ☺

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    itspennyc  over 1 year ago

    When my granddaughter then age 2 wrote on my dining room wall with a pen. I got her a cloth that was wet, I had one with cleaning she had to help me clean the wall. I know she didn’t write on any walls at my house I don’t know about her house.

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  5. Bc92a6de09218bcca4bb23106a180b75
    KEA  over 1 year ago

    my son once “improved” an area rug using crayola® markers… we never did get it out.

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    Bruce1253  over 1 year ago

    I used to work in the Mining industry. When a mine has a shaft for access, the steel cable that lifts cars that take people in and out of the mine goes over a large wheel, ours was 6 ft in diameter, with spokes on it. The wheel sits on top of a tall structure called a headframe. This allows the cable to go over the headframe and down into the vertical shaft.

    The time had come to clean and repaint the wheel and spokes, so I sent a crew up on the headframe to take care of the problem. The foreman put two people on the job, one on one side and another on the other side. They were to paint every other spoke a different color, in this case blue and white. Several hours later the foreman came into my office with his face beet red. He told me that the person on the first side painted the number 1, 3, 5 spokes blue, the rest white. I said, “Ok, what’s the problem?” “Well. . .Umm. . . the other guy painted the 2, 4, 6 spokes blue and the rest white.” I started laughing and said, “They were right across from each other and couldn’t coordinate which spokes got the blue paint??” The poor foreman turned an even darker shade of red. I told him, “Don’t worry about it, people can only see one side of the wheel at a time, No one will ever know.” There are indeed two sides to a door that need to be cleaned and repainted, and a headframe wheel.

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  7. Stinker
    cuzinron47  over 1 year ago

    Aw well, you’ve been meaning to paint that door. Like the Stones said, paint it black.

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member over 1 year ago

    He did it…….best answers!

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    christelisbetty  over 1 year ago

    Ok boys, every minute Grandma has to spend washing the door, is one less minute she has to bake cookies.

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