When I met my second wife, she was a 65-year-old “college girl” and I was 41. She went through a Bachelors program, got a Masters Degree in Psychology, interned for three years and became a Marriage and Family Therapist at the age of 72. She is no longer with me, but whenever I think of my own age as a barrier to doing something, I remember her and soldier on.
cdward over 1 year ago
They just had an item on the news today about a 101-year-old man finally getting his diploma.
mistercatworks over 1 year ago
When I met my second wife, she was a 65-year-old “college girl” and I was 41. She went through a Bachelors program, got a Masters Degree in Psychology, interned for three years and became a Marriage and Family Therapist at the age of 72. She is no longer with me, but whenever I think of my own age as a barrier to doing something, I remember her and soldier on.
PoodleGroomer over 1 year ago
His graduation was an academic convenience.
Templo S.U.D. over 1 year ago
Which teacher was that, Chepe? Kindergarten, first grade, second grade… high school English teacher, high school science teacher…?