Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for April 13, 2009
Tax man: Historically at tax time, you believed that everyone else knew something and that you, alone, were the idiots. But this year we learned that everyone's an idiot! All the experts are idiots! No one knows anything at all!! Compared to the nincompoops who got us into this big mess, you're geniuses!! Ta Da! Tax relief, 2009! Cathy: That's our tax relief?? Irving: Keep talking! I feel way better!
ejcapulet almost 16 years ago
Actually, that does help a bit.
Lyons Group, Inc. almost 16 years ago
Definetly, given the last admistration we had that made us idiots.
pschearer Premium Member almost 16 years ago
Anyone else remember “tax simplification”? They actually did it once, years ago, and the forms got noticably shorter and the whole process easier for a few years.
But then the politicians put their grubby hands on it again and began adding all the exceptions and exemptions in response to lobbyists, pressure groups, popular opinion, etc., and it all got messy again. “Do not check this box if you are a left-handed orphan home-owner driving a Prius who owns stock in GM purchased before Apr. 4, 1942”. (OK, so I exaggerate, but not much. Go check your form.)
dakabn5 almost 16 years ago
-nods- For something we have to do every year, they could make it so much simpler.
There’s the EZ form but that could stand to be easier yet.
When I moved here to Canada, I was sort of glad my husband used H&R Block. If it gets screwed up, its on their heads.
With me still earning US income, things get a bit complicated, but it’s good the US tax day is about 2 weeks before the Canadian one. I file US first and while it’s included in the Canadian tax form, I don’t get taxed for it… though I think I might get some extra from Canada…
I just don’t know why either country cares. I’m filing in both countries so long as I get an income. Why should Canada care what I make there?