Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for July 17, 2009

  1. P1030210
    ckcsmum Premium Member over 15 years ago

    There’s nothing more satisfying than a serious clean up!

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  2. Wonder woman
    funnyfan928  over 15 years ago

    Ever notice? We stuff our garages full of worthless junk and keep the car, our 2nd most expensive purchase outside.

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  3. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member over 15 years ago

    Amen to both. We also pay to keep this junk at a storage facility. Time to downsize, America!

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  4. Exploding human fat bombs hedge 060110
    Charles Brobst Premium Member over 15 years ago

    But downsizing will fill up the landfills!

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  5. Missing large
    Allison Nunn Premium Member over 15 years ago

    Try the three Re’s
.Re-duce, re-use, re-cycle; Re-use being prime in this case. We have a two car garage, one car in it so we can have an indoor potting area, the other car is in the carport. Try having a yard sale, donating to charity, etc. And don’t buy “stuff” ‘cause that is all it does; stuff your garage, basement & house with junk you’ll never use. “Think before you buy” is a good GREEN plan!

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  6. Libraryscience
    LibrarianInTraining  over 15 years ago

    Hey! Some us have storage units that aren’t filled with junk.

    That storage unit just happens to be the books I own that DON’T fit on my two massive shelves.

    The garage is my father’s territory. He keeps his tools out there, and if I want to keep my hands attached to my wrists, I don’t touch them.

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  7. Bth baby puppies1111111111 1
    kab2rb  over 15 years ago

    We moved from one town to another. Where we used to live was my husband parents home you talk about storage in the house there where two place you could put paperwork/documents in the living room with slide out drawers and by the bathroom also deep storage for bathroom, blankets, tolet paper, bed sheets, blankets, etc. The house we have now is bi-level no storage. We had to sell stuff. We where a lot cheeper then a lot of people having sells. We have I guess a two car garage and I still can’t get my car in as the garage is not big enough. :(.

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  8. Bth baby puppies1111111111 1
    kab2rb  over 15 years ago

    I guess vacations, which I do not know what one is, you do not go anywhere but work at home.

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  9. Smiley tongue
    Smiley Rmom  over 15 years ago

    kab2rb I’m all for working at home during vacations, but there are free or low cost ways to have fun even when you stay at home. The Wichita Public library is a great system, lots of books, and videos, all free to check out for a week or longer. Walking along the bike path is free, as well as using the many parks. If you can spend a little money, call the bowling alleys to find out when they are running specials. Many of them have games for $1 a piece during their specials. Eat before you go though, because the concessions aren’t cheap. The public swimming pools aren’t too expensive, either. The Zoo is more expensive, but you can spend a lot of time there, so per hour it isn’t too outrageous. It is a very good zoo! If you want to look at just a few animals for free - try Riverside Park. (At least it used to be free, it could have changed.) Our family has really enjoyed me checking out mysteries and reading them to the whole family. (The library carries audio books, if you don’t want to read aloud.) Sherlock Holmes & Brother Cadfael are 2 series we all enjoyed. Non-electric games are a great way to have fun at home, too. If you don’t own some, look at garage sales or thrift stores, or borrow from friends & relatives. Monopoly, Connect 4, Sorry, Battleship, Scrabble, dominoes, etc. are a great way for 2 or more people to spend time together. As a homeschooling family of 4 who has survived on just my hubby’s income for 17 years, we’ve found there are lots of ways you can have fun that aren’t expensive. Memories are made this way!

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  10. Bth baby puppies1111111111 1
    kab2rb  over 15 years ago

    Thanks for the advice. I agree with your suggestions. I work part-time with county. And county will get to go to Sedgwick County Zoo this month. The zoo is also a great score for walking. We go to garage sales at times. I do get books. For vacations we do not get any. So weekends are here. And we go to church. Riverside park is still free to walk around. A lot of ducks hang around. My husband is retired and because of housepayments and two young adult kids, who cannot yet venture out and my part-time income, I cannot get away. Our youngest went to college and we had to pay. I doubt I can get a different job not evan a part-time to pay off debts.

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  11. 00000
    alondra  over 15 years ago

    funnyfan928 said

    Ever notice? We stuff our garages full of worthless junk and keep the car, our 2nd most expensive purchase outside.


    That’s right and it makes no sense at all. It’s a lot of work which is why I keep putting it off but there are a lot of ways to get rid of that stuff. Most cities have a freecycle, it’s a yahoo group for that particular city and you can adversize stuff to give away. The recipient comes to your house to get it or you arrange to meet somewhere. Or if you think it may bring a few bucks there are groups for selling or bartering. It’s a lot of work so we never “get around to it” but we need to.

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  12. Missing large
    kattbailey  over 15 years ago

    Hello Kansans! I was born in Kansas, partially bred in Kansas but when I get married I doubt I’ll be wed in Kansas
 Born in Wichita, love the Sedgewick Co Zoo, loved the library, the bike path’s great except for spiraling up over the canal
 Lived there until I was 4, from 8 to 12, and visit yearly

    Cars are made so they can stay outside. The garden tools that were in our second half, and some other tools and equipment, weren’t. Nothing was there that wasn’t “garage worthy”- garden stuff (natural fertilizer stinks when wet), a few tools for outside repairs
 a bike that is used. But fitting another car when my aunt moved in was hard and they barely fit! Though it is the minimum size for a 2-car garage- gotta be careful opening doors!

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  13. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  over 15 years ago

    Didn’t George Carlin have something to say about stuff?

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