“Rosa ‘Diana, Princess of Wales’ is a pink blend garden rose, first introduced in 1998 at the British Embassy in the United States.”—From a Wikipedia article that the GoComics censorbot won’t let me post the link to.
Thanks to Maregirl for some back story. In August of 2021, the strip revealed that Brother Leo has a twin sister named Diana. They were born in Roccasaeca in southern Italy, the last of 10 children. Their mother died in childbirth. Diana was named after St. Diana, a Dominican sister from the 13th century who was famous for her spiritual love letters to another Dominican named Jordan (Leo’s baptismal name). In desperation, their father took out a loan from the Mafia. He was killed when he couldn’t repay it. Leo believed he died of a broken heart. These revelations began a multi cartoon adventure in the strip about Diana, who is a math teacher and a gardener. I revived the theme with the appearance of the roses she planted in Rome during her visit. (Cartoon for May 25) Further backstory. My wife, Diane, died in 2021. She loved the comic strip, so I honored her by putting her in it, including some pink roses she planted in our garden, which bloom each Spring. Sorry for the discontinuity for newcomers to the strip. That’s the story. Thanks for your patience.
FreyjaRN Premium Member over 1 year ago
Nicely done.
cdward over 1 year ago
I don’t understand the reference to Diana.
ladykat Premium Member over 1 year ago
Why Diana?
prrdh over 1 year ago
“Rosa ‘Diana, Princess of Wales’ is a pink blend garden rose, first introduced in 1998 at the British Embassy in the United States.”—From a Wikipedia article that the GoComics censorbot won’t let me post the link to.
Maregirl over 1 year ago
Diana is Leo’s sister. She visited him last summer and planted the roses. I suspect there is more to come of this story line.
patmarrin Premium Member over 1 year ago
Thanks to Maregirl for some back story. In August of 2021, the strip revealed that Brother Leo has a twin sister named Diana. They were born in Roccasaeca in southern Italy, the last of 10 children. Their mother died in childbirth. Diana was named after St. Diana, a Dominican sister from the 13th century who was famous for her spiritual love letters to another Dominican named Jordan (Leo’s baptismal name). In desperation, their father took out a loan from the Mafia. He was killed when he couldn’t repay it. Leo believed he died of a broken heart. These revelations began a multi cartoon adventure in the strip about Diana, who is a math teacher and a gardener. I revived the theme with the appearance of the roses she planted in Rome during her visit. (Cartoon for May 25) Further backstory. My wife, Diane, died in 2021. She loved the comic strip, so I honored her by putting her in it, including some pink roses she planted in our garden, which bloom each Spring. Sorry for the discontinuity for newcomers to the strip. That’s the story. Thanks for your patience.
Out of the Past over 1 year ago
Roses need no explanation. That’s what they’re for.