Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for October 01, 2009
Saleswoman: We're not just rejecting the recession with this year's styles, we're rejecting THEIR recession!! Why should we look all downtrodden because some overpaid wall street bunglers destroyed the global economy?? Fall's high-impact fashions say,"we're in charge"! "We don't need anyone to squander our money for us"! Cathy: We can squander it ourselves?? Saleswoman: Precisely! Power dressing is back!
Aurion over 15 years ago
Yeah! Power to the- wait, no, squandering is still squandering.
ChosanW over 15 years ago
To be frank, if someone’s gotta squander my money at the end of the day, then I’d like that person to be me.
alondra over 15 years ago
You got that right. It’s OUR money, we worked for it, therefore it’s our right to choose how it’s spent, not theirs!
Allison Nunn Premium Member over 15 years ago
Notice how powerfully the clerk dresses……. SHEshould be in those ridiculous stiletto boots, the too tight and too short skirt, and the jacket that is equally stupid! OH yeah, add in the belt that can do major damage to internal organs….. No thank you from this comfort lover!
LibrarianInTraining over 15 years ago
ChosanW, how true! (Though why you’d want to be Frank is beyond me. I’d rather be George, myself.)
funnyfan928 over 15 years ago
Here’s a thought: why don’t Cathy shop at Walmart or Kmart for her clothes like the rest of us? No high-pressure clerks working on commission there…in fact, try..just TRY to find one!!
softshell09 over 15 years ago
maybe the clothes at walmart don’t fit. sales people will say anything to get u to spend ur money.
krisl73 over 15 years ago
I agree - I earned it, I should be able to squander it or save it as I feel. I think most of us would be sick if we knew some of the way the government has been wasting our money for decades.
pschearer Premium Member over 15 years ago
Discredit where discredit is due. The economic crisis was caused by the final snapping of the camel’s back after decades of government interference in the money supply, interest rates, banking regulation, housing policy, tax structure, etc., etc. Then blame it all on Wall Street, corporations, banks, businessmen, capitalism, etc., and use it as an excuse for even more goverment interference.
The reason the crisis went global was the fact that even our hobbled, part-controlled/part-free mixed economy is still the engine of the world’s prosperity. As China and India now demonstrate, even a little freedom goes a long way. I’d like to see us try it again in America.
The idea that the economy was not regulated enough is a flat lie. Repeal Sarbanes-Oxley; take all the favors, threats, and give-aways out of the tax code; abolish the Fed, Fannie, Freddie, and hundreds of bloated, wasteful bureaucracies at all levels and watch the whole world surge toward undreamed-of prosperity.