Animal Crackers by Mike Osbun for June 17, 2023

  1. Wile e. coyote free fall
    Botulism Bob  over 1 year ago

    If there was no deforestation, we’d have more trees removing all that CO2. We’d have more trees lowering the temperature of the planet. We’d have more trees holding water in the soil, wells, and aquifers. The land would not dry up, and the rain would not run off hard soil and into the oceans….. and Al Gore and all of his goofy friends would run out of issues to make money from.

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  2. Gameguy49
    Gameguy49 Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Wrong, there would be MORE deforestation if money grew on trees – we’d pick all the “leaves” off and they’d be bare and useless.

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  3. Img 1612
    Zebrastripes  over 1 year ago

    There’s a waiting period before new growth appears….


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  4. Screenshot 20231128 222147 samsung internet
    Frank Burns Eats Worms  over 1 year ago

    People would never be sycamore money if it grew on trees.

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  5. Nowyoulisten
    zeexenon  over 1 year ago

    The 19th century Lumber Barons of Wisconsin would disagree.

    They thank goodness there were few lawyers for the planet’s highest forest fire death-rate 1871, Peshtigo.

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