Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for August 24, 2012
Mom: Before, we would have plopped down and eaten a chocolate cake.......Today, we munch on fresh berries. Cathy: Before, we would have consoled ourselves with chips...Today, low-sodium rice crackers. Mom: Before, a dive into the ice cream......Today, a dip into the fat-free vinaigrette. Cathy: pigging-out lite. Mom: Who wants to get crazy and crack open the soy cheese slices?
Doctor KFG over 12 years ago
I’m not going to comment on the comic, but it is me Kool Funky Grrl posting…..came here awhile ago and couldn’t post…ending getting a new account……My super hero sister— I’m ok :)…I’ll post more details on Friday night :) Hello to Lightenup, Aaron, Dr. Billy, Gretch’s Ma, Susan, Viperdude:), Bronzepony, serenaskitty, Mollie, Mona, hendelca and all the other Cathy nuts :)
LiviaBay over 12 years ago
I’ll take the berries thanks….
AndiJ over 12 years ago
Wow. Only two comments. Weird. You’re still not doing yourself any favors eating “light”, you’re just eating a bunch of sugar! Except for the berries. I’ll take those…And soy cheese….Tried it, it’s just not the same! :P
mollie05 over 12 years ago
Fresh berries sound good right now, but I’m holding out for some of Aaron’s apple pie . Good Morning fellow Cathy Nuts
NE1956 over 12 years ago
The nut job does not fall far from the tree. I’ve said it before — poor Cathy doesn’t stand a chance.
Morning Susan already arrived. Morning lightenup yet to arrive. (I still need a new line). Hello mollie05 we’re working on it — gotta get a scoop of ice cream for you too. :-D Afternoon AnonaMona and perhaps Bronzepony some time?
hi mom!I thought about you today :-)
lightenup Premium Member over 12 years ago
I guess we’ll have to share the berries, but Cathy misses the point (as usual) where it’s the pigging out that is wrong. Everything is fine in moderation! I have a friend whose kids eat so much fruit that they get diarrhea. You’d think eating fruit would be fine, but along with other things. Like ice cream… ;-)Good morning, Violet Bay, Susan, AndiJ, mollie and Aaron!Hello to those on their way (or lurking)… GsMom, KFG, Billy, rgcviper,, hendelca, Mona, serenasakitty, kittycatpawsare, gmforde, soonergal, lippyfish, Mai Tai, Willi Nilli, mollie, AnonaMona, Bronzepony, simpsonfan2, tegm, legaleagle, Shyygirl27, catsarge10, BJIllistrated, ncalifgirl58, Molly mcgee, Teresa and all the other Cathy nuts rolling around here today!
AnonaMoaner over 12 years ago
Trouble is, by the time you’ve eaten all the healthy low-cal stuff, you’re feeling so virtuous that you deserve a treat. At which point you start on something tasty that will fill you up . . .
Greetings to Violet Bay, Susan Newman, AndiJ, mollie05 and of course LMB and Aaron. Oh, and of course you, if you’re going to turn up later!
:-Dcatsarge10 over 12 years ago
No pigging out lite for me this morning. I’ve just discovered that Burger King now sells Cinnabon, so…yeah… I stopped on my way to work. Hope everyone has a great weekend! Anyone have any special plans?
NE1956 over 12 years ago
Dr KFG you must have left the comment page finally so your post got made. Before, Violet Bay was the first comment. Glad to see you at any rate. :-D
Bronzepony over 12 years ago
Great comment AnonaMona – I know exactly what you mean! Trouble begins when you try to undo the treat with healthy food and start all over again…
Good afternoon Cathy family, so nice to see you all. I have been busy handling a grumpy toddler and not feeling well myself but we got over it. Hope for a sunny weekend for everyone!
Gretchen's Mom over 12 years ago
While I don’t get to eat all the different kinds of food that I just love to eat because I’d probably weigh 500 lbs. if I did . . . I swear, with the exception of the fresh berries, I’d have to kill myself if all I could eat was this nonsense because at that point, life would no longer be worth living otherwise! Even Dr. Oz says you can’t completely deprive yourself of the things you love because when you finally give in and eat what you’re craving — and eventually you WILL!!! — you’ll go over the edge and eat too much of it, which will then lead you to feel even WORSE about yourself than you already did before the binge happened. lightenup’s absolutely right: moderation is the key!
Aaron: Speaking of craving . . . Still got any of that apple pie left? Because I’m really wanting a piece of it right now thanks to your comment yesterday regarding all the yummy treats you and Dr. Billy’s mom had just got done making! Wish I could be there to share it with you!!! B/t/w . . . I’m thinking about you today too! :-)
Good afternoon and Happy Friday, lightenup, lightenupjr., Dr. K.F.G., Susan,, rgcviper, gmforde, serenasakitty, kittycatpawsare, hendelca, Gator007, legaleagle48, mollie05, AnonaMona, catsarge10, millie p, soonergal, Bronzepony, Molly mcgee, simpsonfan2, Shyygirl27, Violet Bay, AndiJ, BJIllistrated, ncalifgirl58, summerdog, ruizuno1, FinnyGirl and all the REST of the “Cathy” fanatics joining us here today. As always, it’s really great to “see” you all and if you’re new here . . . WELCOME TO CATHY’S NUTHOUSE!!!!! GLAD YOU’RE JOINING IN ON ALL THE FUN!!!!! ;-)
NE1956 over 12 years ago
Life is good, eh?
mollie05 over 12 years ago
I think I’d like to lick the computer screen…Thank you Aaron There’s nothing better than homemade apple pie & ice cream!! You should be heading back to work soon, so I wanted to wish for you to enjoy your last few days in the orchard with LMB
rgcviper over 12 years ago
I’m going to have to hold these two wild women back from their crazy eating shenanigans.
Kind of a nice idea, though … and definitely better from a nutritional standpoint.
Happy Friday, all.