I friended a guy I had known years back. He posted pictures of EVERYTHING he ate! “Breakfast” “Lunchie” “Snackie” “Din-din.” And people commented on them!! “It looks good!” “Eatin’ healthy!” The last straw was when he made a post about a co-worker’s retirement party. ONE Pic of him and the guest of honor, EIGHTEEN photos of the buffet. I muted him after that!
Ichabod Ferguson over 1 year ago
It’s true. An ex-friend of mine went from being a nice, normal kid into a nice, normal guy who just happens to hate jews.
djtenltd over 1 year ago
I’ll never understand how some people can put their whole lives on social media!
david_42 over 1 year ago
I was on FB for a few weeks, but realized I didn’t care what someone I haven’t seen in decades was buying at the grocery store.
tcayer over 1 year ago
I friended a guy I had known years back. He posted pictures of EVERYTHING he ate! “Breakfast” “Lunchie” “Snackie” “Din-din.” And people commented on them!! “It looks good!” “Eatin’ healthy!” The last straw was when he made a post about a co-worker’s retirement party. ONE Pic of him and the guest of honor, EIGHTEEN photos of the buffet. I muted him after that!
Ellen Smith-Susan Premium Member over 1 year ago
HAHA! I wonder which one people think I am?! Someone to connect with or just plain crazy!
tammyspeakslife Premium Member over 1 year ago
I try to use social media to be a positive influence and to encourage people.