Grand Avenue by Mike Thompson for September 16, 2023

  1. Pa231400
    Yakety Sax  over 1 year ago

    From Not Always Right " (A customer walks up with a dead, five-foot-tall maple sapling at the garden center where I work. It has been cut with a handsaw and has obviously been dead for a least three or four months.)

    Customer: “I want a refund! You sold me this tree last summer, but in November the leaves all turned yellow, dried out, and fell off. I want a refund!”

    Me: “So, in autumn your tree lost its leaves?”

    Customer: “Yes.”

    Me: “Sir, broadleaf trees in Canada like this do lose their leaves in the fall and then grow back in the spring. Your tree was just dormant for the winter.”

    Customer: “But after the leaves all fell off, I put it in the garage! Now it’s spring, and the leaves aren’t growing back, so it must be defective. I want a refund NOW!”

    Me: “When you put your tree into your garage in the fall, how did you get it in there?”

    Customer: “I cut it!”

    Me: “So, you cut it down and now you want a refund because it’s dead?”

    Customer: “I want to speak to the owner!”

    (I call the owner, who is a hard-nosed woman in her sixties.)

    Owner: “What seems to be the problem, sir?”

    Customer: “Yeah, this tree you sold me last year is dead. I want a refund.”

    Owner: “Was it alive before you put a saw to it?”

    Customer: “Well, it was, and then in November all of the leaves turned yellow and fell off, so I cut it and put it in my garage. Now I want a refund!”

    Owner: “Get out of here!”

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  2. 20230415 170925
    Chithing Premium Member over 1 year ago

    If that’s true, then our yard must be somewhere in the 23rd century.

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  3. Missing large
    1953Baby  over 1 year ago

    But not the weeds. . .NEVER the weeds. . .

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  4. 1282186744 branchville yellow jackets

    nice one Katie

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