Pat Oliphant for May 11, 2009

  1. 80x80 cartoon0144 55lwwwustftoczzcecr3q
    tracht47  about 15 years ago

    Just two chicken hawks.

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    NoFearPup  about 15 years ago

    Good point, Stewie. They’ve tried to trash Limbaugh for 20 years or so ? And they can’t change the fact that he gives a lot of accurate behind the scenes commentary and punditry. And they do not know what a “ditto-head” is to this day and they’ve had plenty of time to learn. I myself find RL annoying and haven’t listened to him in at least a month…IT’S ALL HOW YOU USE YOUR OWN MIND PEOPLE! Or do you really think any one person or even a group of people, no matter how educated, given all that has transpired in (my) 42 years, is worthy of your complete trust? If you do you ARE blind. Now here is the problem for today: We are comfortable tolerating slackers and trendy theorems designed to dull our conscience and inure us to our materialistic existence. Obama and his Dems make protestations to the opposite; but , in truth they are just reacting to the ascendancy of conservative thought in the last few decades. “Vote for me because Bush is bad and an idiot”. This covers up the fact that they have no ascendant philosophy or belief system which informs and directs their lives and in fact have no short term policies they believe would further their goals if they had them…such is our current materialistic-sensuality philosophy of self-importance. In the end at least Republican Greed isn’t hypocritical.

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  3. John adams1
    Motivemagus  about 15 years ago

    Rush has “accurate behind the scenes commentary?” Where do you get that idea? If you use your own mind, as you suggest, and more importantly do a little research, you will find he is astonishingly wrong, over and over again, for someone who pretends to talk about news. I learned that back when he claimed there were more trees in North America now than when Columbus arrived. Republican greed may not be hypocritical now, but it used to be.

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    cartwrights  about 15 years ago

    I love how Rush’s head gets smaller and smaller in each successive cartoon, just as W got smaller and smaller over time.

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  5. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  about 15 years ago

    Why does Stewie devote so much effort to making people hate Republicans?

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  6. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  about 15 years ago

    Once again sockpuppy, you’re projecting:

    It is YOUR side that has no ideas. This is where the Repubs are right now….

    “Just wait…Obama will fail, and then the country will swing wayyy back towards the right and we’ll take over again.”

    That’s all you have! That is the sum total of Republican ideas right now. And none of you ever bother to explain how that’s going to happen, you just keep chanting it over and over again, like a prayer.

    That, and you keep throwing childish names around like Jackazz, BoZo, libtards, and the latest one Obommunists. Oh yeah, that kind of mature, intelligent discourse is gonna bring folks just flocking back to your side.

    Have you, Stew, ANandy, etocme, or any of the the other neocons here ever offered anything other than bashing Obama? I count exactly ONE exception to that rule, Harleyquinn and his constant cry of ‘Fair Tax! Fair Tax!’

    But that’s it.

    As for Rush, take away his call-screeners, his engineers, and this ‘dump button’, and he’d get his head handed to on the air, him twenty times per day. Hell, on a level playing field, I could beat Rush in a debate. Which is why every time I see some Repub in congress saying ‘mea-culpa’ to this guy. ( Latest example, Eric Cantor. ) I’m reminded of that old cartoon of an elephant, cowering in a corner, terrorized by a mouse.

    As for you stew, we’re not retarded, it only seems that way to spoiled, screaming, two-year-olds, who didn’t get their own way.

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  7. John adams1
    Motivemagus  about 15 years ago

    I remember fondly when Rush foolishly left his studio to go on Letterman and got eviscerated in jig time. And politely, too!

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  8. Beau close up
    mivins  about 15 years ago

    Good question, Anthony. I wonder if his mommy knows he’s using her computer.

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  9. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  about 15 years ago

    EXCELLENT article for the few remaining Stewies of the world:

    Any Republicans wishing to save their party should read it.

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    foxglove16  about 15 years ago

    Good link, Anthony. The more they lose any kind of reasonable moderates, the more they sound like the party of hate and fear mongers. The more people like stewie the tool dittohead represent the GOP, the more people will say I don’t want to be in any party that acts like that. I swear stewie could see a Cathy cartoon and spew out something like “Dieting! You’ll see what dieting is really like when [Obama] starves this country with socialism!”

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  11. 0967056667 01 mzzzzzzz
    TheGreatSatan  about 15 years ago

    Why debate anything Rush or Cheney say when you can just mock them?

    Oh right, the whole not having a valid argument thing….oh well RUSH IS FAT! Hahahahahaha!

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  12. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  about 15 years ago

    Satan, you really need to get out of hell more often. Then you wouldn’t be so ignorant as to say that. Here, to help you get up to speed:

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  13. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  about 15 years ago

    It’s simple Great Satan.

    Because both of THEM prefer to mock rather than debate.

    And since you’re auch a fair-minded chap, I’m sure you’re equally ticked at them for doing so, am I right?

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  14. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  about 15 years ago

    No one here has done either of those things, Stew. Don’t add lying to your repertoire, it’s bad enough as it is

    But you’re right with the second part of your statement – mocking IS all you guys have left.

    Along with projecting

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  15. Marx lennon
    charliekane  about 15 years ago

    Stewazz been banned? His comments raptured?

    I seem to be seeing replies to nonexistent spews.

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  16. John adams1
    Motivemagus  about 15 years ago

    I can’t find any of Stewie’s comments. Hmmm.

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  17. Campina 2
    deadheadzan  about 15 years ago

    I too, notice answers to non existing spews from stew—What’s that all about? BTW, great posts by Simon calling out the wing nuts on their name calling. Like Simon says That Is All They’ve Got!

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  18. 80x80 cartoon0144 55lwwwustftoczzcecr3q
    tracht47  about 15 years ago

    Stewie gone? I guess you can’t yell “fire” in a crowded theater. Good riddance.

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  19. 0967056667 01 mzzzzzzz
    TheGreatSatan  about 15 years ago

    Anthony taking quotes from Rush, (most of the times out of context) is not debating what he says.

    Simon, please stop pretending that the left doesn’t mock (ever watch the daily show?). It’s not going to get you anywhere.

    “calling out the wing nuts on their name calling”

    I hope you see the irony in calling someone a name then being glad that someone is calling them out for calling names….

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  20. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  about 15 years ago

    Satan, so that I can better understand, perhaps you could explain the context that would justify Rush saying some of these?

    “Take that bone out of your nose and call me back” (to an African American female caller).

    “He is exaggerating the effects of the disease. He’s moving all around and shaking and it’s purely an act. … This is really shameless of Michael J. Fox. Either he didn’t take his medication or he’s acting.” –on an ad by Michael J. Fox endorsing Claire McCaskill for Senate for supporting embryonic stem cell research.

    “Too many whites are getting away with drug use…Too many whites are getting away with drug sales…The answer is to go out and find the ones who are getting away with it, convict them, and send them up the river, too.” –in 1995

    “I am addicted to prescription pain medication.” –in 2003

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  21. 0967056667 01 mzzzzzzz
    TheGreatSatan  about 15 years ago

    “Take that bone out of your nose and call me back” (to an African American female caller).

    Again, you’re using a stupid quote of his (which no one can seem to find a clip of even though all of his shows are taped) and not debating him on his politics. You’re using this quote as a way to ignore anything else he’s said.

    On Michael J. Fox.. He made a mistake and though Fox was overacting his disease. Does that make him wrong on EVERYTHING else he’s ever said? See again, you’re using one thing to completely dismiss everything else.

    “Too many whites are getting away with drug use…”

    That’s true! I would think a Liberal like you would recognize that there are more blacks and latinos in jail for drug use than whites in the first place.

    “I am addicted to prescription pain medication.” –in 2003

    Well aside from proving the quote beforehand true, I find it interesting that when a Liberal gets in trouble for substance abuse they are “courageous” and “brave” to admit they have a problem but terrible when a conservative does. That’s called hypocrisy.

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  22. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  about 15 years ago

    Satan: “Does that make him wrong on EVERYTHING else he’s ever said? See again, you’re using one thing to completely dismiss everything else.”

    I never said one thing makes him wrong on everything, nor indeed have I said he’s wrong on everything. Strawman.

    Satan: “I find it interesting that when a Liberal gets in trouble for substance abuse they are “courageous” and “brave” to admit they have a problem but terrible when a conservative does. That’s called hypocrisy.”

    No, that’s called “strawman”. You have no evidence to back up your all-or-nothing claim. “Hypocrisy” is when any individual, liberal or conservative, demands mandatory jail time for all white addicts, and then quickly changes his tune when he becomes one.

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  23. 0967056667 01 mzzzzzzz
    TheGreatSatan  about 15 years ago

    “I never said one thing makes him wrong on everything, nor indeed have I said he’s wrong on everything. Strawman.”

    Then why bring up things that were either taken out of context or didn’t have anything to do with his Obama fail comment? or his opposition to the “stimulus” package? That’s the real reason they’re attacking him, not some stupid quote from 10 years ago. Stop projecting on me with YOUR use of strawmen.

    “No, that’s called “strawman”. You have no evidence to back up your all-or-nothing claim. “Hypocrisy” is when any individual, liberal or conservative, demands mandatory jail time for all white addicts, and then quickly changes his tune when he becomes one.”

    No, what’s hypocrisy is that Hollywood (which is serverly Liberal) has nothing but drug addicts and losers that slap each other’s back when they are addicted to drugs but then unleash hell on Rush for the same thing. That’s a clear sign of what I was talking about, I didn’t just make it up. Just because you don’t want to admit doesn’t make it untrue.

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  24. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  about 15 years ago

    “…his Obama fail comment? or his opposition to the “stimulus” package?”

    Because those topics didn’t appear in the cartoon or your comments.

    “…but then unleash hell on Rush for the same thing”

    You don’t seem to be able to grasp that Rush brought that on to himself with his hypocrisy. If he hadn’t demanded that we convict and imprison all whites who get addicted to drugs, *or* if he had presented himself to the nearest law enforcement office when he became an addict, then the charges of hypocrisy wouldn’t apply.

    All your attempts to paint black or white stereotypes about liberals or Hollywood are just an attempt to deflect the subject.

    Did Rush demand prison for all white drug addicts? Yes. Did Rush demand he go to prison when he became an addict? No. Hypocrite. End of story.

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    macb423  about 15 years ago

    Excuuuuse me, but I’m gay, and no, they are definitely NOT on our team! (We wouldn’t let them in the club.)

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